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2023年上海民办新竹园中学中考英语模拟试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年上海市民办新竹园中学中考英语模拟试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 1 . -Middle school students don't know much about shopping online ,_________ they ? - _________ .It's very popular with teenagers. (  ) A. do ; No B. do ; Yes C. don't ; No D. don't ; Yes 2 . Nowadays , more and more students are learning English online with smart phones.They think those apps for English language learners can help improve             oral English.But they cost            a large of amount of money. (  ) A. them ; their B. their ; them C. they ; them D. them ; they 3 . - Is the price of the backpack very high ? - No , it ______ only twenty yuan. (  ) A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid 4 . ---I'm thirsty.I'd like a glass of orange juice.What about you , Andy ? ---I prefer a cup of tea ______ nothing in it. (  ) A. with B. for C. to D. without 5 . Jim ,   __________ in the hallway !  You may fall down and hurt yourself .(  ) A. run B. don't run C. running D. runs 6 . — Do you know that another new book            ​​​​​​​ last week ? — Sounds great.I'd like to read it. (  ) A. thought about B. came out C. went out D. talked about 7 . ---Lucy , the task must be completed before Thursday ! ---Oh , we can't ________ to waste a single minute. (  ) A. decide B. manage C. afford D. stick 8 . I went shopping ________ the rain. (  ) A. because B. although C. in spite of D. so 9 . To my surprise , I ________ from hundreds of students to make a speech to teachers , parents and fellow students. (  ) A. were chosen B. was chosen C. chose D. will be chosen 10 . —— I want to meet Helen , could you tell me ________ where she lives ? —— Of course. (  ) A. gradually B. obviously C. actually D. exactly 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 15 分。 I live in an apartment building where there are several elderly people.There is an old neighbour of mine who is always willing to ( 1 ) ______ and go out of his way to help anyone in need. A few weeks ago , I was taking a large amount of ( 2 ) ______ out.This neighbour saw me and stopped to help me as he was taking out his own rubbish.However , after he dumped his rubbish out of the bag , he ( 3 ) ______ his rubbish bag. "Why don't you throw it away ? " I asked him. He replied that he had been using the ( 4 ) ______ rubbish bag for a few months because he really didn't have extra money to buy new ones.This immediately made me tear up.I thought that having rubbish bags was really ( 5 ) ______ . So I started working out a ( n )( 6 ) ______ .I went to every apartment in the building and told them what was going on.I asked each household if they could ( 7 ) ______ at least one rubbish bag.I got almost 100 bags.I then put them into a gift basket and left an anonymous (匿名的)( 8 ) ______ saying that they were from his grateful neighbours. A few days later , he told me about the rubbish bags that he ( 9 ) ______ .I , of course , did not tell him ( 10 ) ______ they came from.Then , later that afternoon , I came home and found this very neighbour using all those rubbish bags to help another neighbour move out! 11 . A. come out B. help out C. give out D. work out 12 . A. rubbish B. money C. food D. medicine 13 . A. threw B. opened C. kept D. sold 14 . A. magic B. beautiful C. new D. same 15 . A. difficult B. different C. expensive D. simple 16 . A. problem B. answer C. plan D. lesson 17 . A. donate B. collect C. buy D. make 18 . A. phone B. note C. book D. ticket 19 . A. received B. missed C. gave D. picked 20 . A. when B. what C. why D. where 三、阅读理解:本大题共 24 小题,共 48 分。 A Once there was something wrong with a machine in a factory.The workers could do nothing but turn to a German engineer for help , who drew a line on it and then said , "Take off the part where the li