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第10章 计划与通知-2024年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练.docx

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2024 年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练 第十章 计划与通知 计划应该是对未来一些事项的合理设想和安排 . 计划要阐明所计划的主要事件 , 主体部分要详细介绍计划内容 , 如有需要 , 可补充计划事项的原因 , 计划的结尾可以适当表达对计划落实的信心 . 通知分为书面通知和口头通知 . 口头通知必须切合自己的身份传达通知内容 ; 书面通知内容要遵循 “ 四多一少 ” 的原则 , 即被动语态多、将来时态多、简单句多、祈使句多、修饰性词语少 . 通知要有 “4W” , 即 What 、 Who 、 When 、 Where. 话题一 假期计划 一、话题解读-审主题 以 “ 假期计划 ” 为主题的写作通常包括以下四项最基本的内容 : 假期时间、活动地点、活动内容、参与人员 . 活动内容一般会在写作材料中有提示 . 在写具体计划时 , 可以针对某项计划加以适当的解释 . 这样可以更好地体现你制订该项计划的目的和意义 . “ 计划 ” 是在规划未来的活动 , 因此文中句子的时态多为一般将来时 . 范文欣赏 I am so glad that you will visit our school next week. To make your visit meaningful, I have arranged a one-day trip for you. Here is the plan. The first activity is visiting the children's welfa r e home which our school often helps. You can take some gifts to them. From 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., you can stay with them, read stories to them and help them with their lessons. After that, you will come back to our school. From 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., you will attend a class on traditional Chinese culture. I think you will be interested in the activity. Our students will show you calligraphy, paper-cutting and martial art. After lunch, we will have a rest. Then a basketball match will be held on the playground. I hope you can have an exciting match with our students. I am sure you will enjoy the one-day trip in our school. Looking forward to your visit! 二、话题框架-列提纲 Step 1 : 阐明活动计划 . Step 2 : 描述具体计划内容 . Step 3 : 表达希望 . 三、话题短语和亮点句型-加内容 A. 话题短语 1.places of interest 名胜古迹 2.the sense of social responsibility 社会责任感 3.visit the Great Wall 游览长城 4.get ready for the coming term 为下学期做准备 5.learn something new 学
第10章 计划与通知-2024年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练.docx