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2023年天津河东区中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年天津市河东区中考英语二模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 1 . Nemo is _____________ cute orange-and-white fish and Shrek is _____________ ugly green animal.They look very different , but both of them have won _____________ hearts of young people all over the world. (  ) A.  a , an , the B.  a , an  ,  / C.  a , a , the D.  the , the ,  / 2 . All radio presenters need to answer the same question before they begin to work.The _____________ is to check the sound level. (  ) A.  idea B.  result C.  purpose D.  way 3 . None of them has an environment like _____________ of the earth , so scientists do not think they will find life on planets. (  ) A.  this B.  it C.  one D.  that 4 . You can buy _____________ everything on the Internet. (  ) A.  all B.  almost C.  hardly D.  most 5 . — I've never travelled a lot.How can I write a short story about a place I've visited. — Don't worry.It doesn't need to be true!You can _____________ . (  ) A.  try it on B.  write it about C.  pick it up D.  make it up 6 . At the bus stop you _____________ push your way onto the bus.You _____________ to stand in a line behind the other people and wait your turn. (  ) A.  can't , must B.  mustn't , have to C.  mustn't , need D.  needn't , can 7 . — I write down new words , but I forget them quickly.How can I remember them ? — Do not worry.It is _____________ to forget new words! (  ) A.  important B.  serious C.  natural D.  necessary 8 . — Where is your father ? — He  ______  Australia and he ______ Sydney for two weeks .(  ) A. has been to ;  has been in B. has gone to ;  has been in C. has been in ;  has been to D. has gone to ;  has been to 9 . Charles Schulz created Snoopy and his friends , and drew the cartoons _____________ older people as well as children. (  ) A.  satisfy B.  to satisfy C.  satisfies D.  satisfied 10 . Every student _____________ to join in a new sport or try a new way of exercise. (  ) A.  encourages B.  encouraged C.  is encouraged D.  was encouraged 11 . There are _____________ stars in the Galaxy.We can't count them. (  ) A.  billions B.  billion C.  billions of D.  billion of 12 . — _____________ are you leaving and _____________ are you going to stay there ? — I'm Leaving at the end of July and I'm going to stay there for four weeks. (  ) A.  When , how long B.  When , when C.  How long , how long D.  How soon , how long 13 . People often Leave things _____________ planes , on trains , on buses and _____________ taxis when they're travelling or when they are in a hurry. A.  in , in B.  on , in C.  on , by D.  by , by 14 . — Just tell me _____________ . — I had eggs , fruit and some milk. (  ) A.  what you had for breakfast B.  what did you have for breakfast C.  what do you have for breakfast D.  what you have for breakfast 15 . — ________? — It's between minus eight and minus two degrees! (  ) A. What's the weather like B. How is the weather C. What time is it D. What's the temperature 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。     When I was in junior high school, I was not good at sports because I was overweight (超重) . I was often laughed at by some of my classmates in my PE. class. That made me (16) . Gradually, I came to believe that I did not have the  (17)   for sports.     One day, I was playing ping-pong with a classmate in my PE. class. My teacher said I was playing (18)   and asked me to show the other students ho w to play. I was very happy (19)   it was the first time I was praised by my PE. teacher. I tried my best to do it with my classmates. To my surprise, I did better than I had thought.     From then on, I made up my mind to (20)   every day. My teacher encouraged me to join the school sports club.  (21)   a lot of practice, I became one of the best ping-pong players in my school. I star