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2023 年河北省中考英语试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 1 . Hurry up,             ​​​​​​​  you will miss the beginning of the concert. A.  so B.  or C.  and D.  but 2 . I            ​​​​​​​ ice skating this Sunday.Do you want to come ?(  ) A.  go B.  went C.  was going D.  will go 3 . Many thanks            ​​​​​​​ your gift.I love it. (  ) A.  in B.  of C.  for D.  with 4 . — Where did you get the toy car ? — From Betty.She made it            ​​​​​​​ . (  ) A.  myself B.  himself C.  herself D.  yourself 5 . If we            ​​​​​​​ find a better way , we'll finish the job faster. (  ) A.  can B.  can't C.  must D.  mustn't 6 . We are supposed to            ​​​​​​​ our hand before we speak in class. (  ) A.  put up B.  put out C.  put down D.  put away 7 . This book must be great.My sister            ​​​​​​​ it five times. (  ) A.  reads B.  has read C.  is reading D.  was reading 8 . Some students            ​​​​​​​ Taiji over there.Let's go and join them. (  ) A.  play B.  played C.  are playing D.  were playing 9 . Lisa was busy taking notes            ​​​​​​​ Mark was giving a talk. (  ) A.  if B.  unless C.  until D.  while 10 . Breakfast every day            ​​​​​​​ for people aged over 60 for free in this village. (  ) A.  provides B.  provided C.  is provided D.  was provided 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 Some people have no interest in sports.They think that sports make them ( 1 ) ______ and smell bad.They say , "Why waste time playing sports ? "To these people , I politely say , "You have not discovered the ( 2 ) ______ of sports!" Let me share with you a basketball game I played two weeks ago.Our parents and friends were there to ( 3 ) ______ us.A lot of people were watching.We all wanted to ( 4 ) ______ the game in front of so many people. The game was ( 5 ) ______ over and we were one point behind.Our coach called us together and said , "Okay , this is it!Either we score now or the game is over.Let's work hard to score.Even if we don't score , ( 6 ) ______ we know that we have tried our best.So , boys , don't think too much.It doesn't matter if we lose.Just do it." Well , in the last ( 7 ) ______ of the game , we truly scored and two teams tied (打成平局) !We went into overtime (加时) and we lost in the end.But after the game , the coach hugged all of us.He told us that he was ( 8 ) ______ because he had never seen a team try harder than us. To be honest , I ( 9 ) ______ a lot of pleasure in playing sports.It makes me happy and comfortable.That's why I play sports whenever I get the chance.So my ( 10 ) ______ is to choose a sport and keep doing it.Your body will thank you and your mind will be ready to work well. 11 . A. lazy B. tired C. ugly D. stupid 12 . A. price B. time C. fun D. level 13 . A. call B. praise C. help D. cheer 14 . A. win B. watch C. join D. report 15 . A. suddenly B. nearly C. finally D. recently 16 . A. at first B. at once C. at times D. at least 17 . A. month B. week C. hour D. minute 18 . A. brave B. active C. proud D. honest 19 . A. feel B. face C. guess D. give 20 . A. advice B. order C. action D. interest 三、阅读理解:本大题共 15 小题,共 30 分。 A Home News Activities Ideas Pilar When I was a child , I collected books about nature.I loved learning about animals from other countries.When I get older , I find out that my own country has interesting nature too.That's why I like studying nature now.I often write articles about nature and put them on my website. Sarah I love birds and animals because my school has organized many visits to forests and lakes for us.I also like walking in the countryside and seeing what I can find.I've taken many photos about nature.Some are published (发表) in our school magazine.Some are hung on the walls of the school hall. Lia A few years