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2023年云南师大实验中学中考英语三模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年云南师大实验中学中考英语三模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 1 . I bought a new T-shirt. ___________ shirt is made of cotton. (  ) A.  A B.  An C.  The D. / 2 . We have history class ________ three o'clock every Friday afternoon. (  ) A. at B. on C. in D. to 3 . Could you give me some ___________ about how to get on with others ?(  ) A.  agreement B.  advice C.  advantages D.  achievements 4 . Cindy felt ___________ in her new school , so she joined some clubs to make some new friends. (  ) A.  lonely B.  sleepy C.  cold D.  hungry 5 . ___________ we work hard , we ' ll make our dreams come true easily. (  ) A.  If B.  Unless C.  Though D.  Before 6 . The movie The First Slam Dunk (灌篮高手) ___________ in China on April 20th and it received lots of attention. (  ) A.  sold out B.  gave out C.  cut out D.  came out 7 . ___________ great time we had during the Water Festival! (  ) A.  What B.  What a C.  How D.  How a 8 . We are going to graduate , and our teacher encourages us ___________ a plan for the senior high school. (  ) A.  make B.  making C.  to make D.  made 9 . Our school held the art festival last Thursday and all the parents ______ to watch the show. A. are invited B. were invited C. will be invited D. invited 10 . -I wonder _____ . -It was wonderful!We had fun at the city park. (  ) A. where you went last weekend B. how your last weekend was C. why you were busy last weekend D. what you did last weekend 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 A couple lived at the top of a hill for more than 40 years.They had a ( 1 ) ______ life and mostly lived on bread and vegetables.But they were thankful for what they had. Once a week , the couple would sit in front of the fireplace and share a piece of apple pie ( 2 ) ______ each other.Eating the pie was the only luxury (奢侈的事) for them , and they mostly spent these best times ( 3 ) ______ stories , joking and having a good laugh. The husband only ate the flaky crust (酥皮) of the pie while the wife only loved the warm filling.So they ( 4 ) ______ the pie happily. One winter , the man fell seriously ill.The wife sat by his side as he said ( 5 ) ______ to her. Taking her hand , the man said there was a ( 6 ) ______ that he had kept from her all this time. The woman held her breath to listen to her husband.Then her husband smiled and said that he ( 7 ) ______ liked the crust of pies. The woman was surprised at first but asked ( 8 ) ______ he ate the crust all the time.The husband said it gave him great joy to give her what she liked. ( 9 ) ______ this , the woman smiled.She told her husband that they truly were a pair.All those years that they were together , she also tried to make him happy by choosing the filling while in fact , she ( 10 ) ______ the crust. 11 . A. busy B. simple C. lazy D. boring 12 . A. to B. in C. for D. with 13 . A. to share B. shared C. sharing D. share 14 . A. divided up B. mixed up C. cleaned up D. gave up 15 . A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something 16 . A. pie B. laugh C. lie D. crust 17 . A. always B. never C. also D. really 18 . A. where B. when C. how D. why 19 . A. Hearing B. Seeing C. Feeling D. Tasting 20 . A. hated B. hid C. preferred D. threw 三、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 1 小题,共 7.5 分。 21 . At night , you fall asleep while listening to beautiful music.In the morning , you are woken up by the singing of birds outside. ( 1 ) ______ You may wonder how our ears work.The ear has three different parts : the outer ear , the middle ear and the inner ear.The outer ear is the part you can see. ( 2 ) ______ .The sound then travels down to the middle ear , the inner ear and then to your brain. Your ears never stop working , even when you are asleep! ( 3 ) ______ That's why you may some