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2023年河南商丘市柘城县中考英语模拟试卷(六).docx 第1页
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2023 年河南省商丘市柘城县中考英语模拟试卷(六) 一、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 Most of us want to know what we mean to those who mean everything to us , but how do we know if we don't tell each other ? I want to ( 1 ) ______ an experience of mine to tell you when you really love someone , tell them ( 2 ) ______ . When I was growing up , I never ( 3 ) ______ the words "I love you" from my father.If your father never says them to you when you are a child , it gets more and more difficult for him to say those words as you get ( 4 ) ______ .In fact , I never said those ( 5 ) ______ to him , either. A few years ago , I decided to make the first ( 6 ) ______ .After some thought , I called my father on the phone and said , "Dad , I love you!" There was a moment of ( 7 ) ______ at the other end of the line. "Well , same back at you!"he ( 8 ) ______ quietly. "Dad , I know you love me.When you're ready , you'll say it , too , "I said with a smile.Then I ( 9 ) ______ the phone.But fifteen minutes later , my mother called and asked if ( 10 ) ______ was "OK".She seemed ( 11 ) ______ ."Your father seems to have something important to say after answering your call!"I didn't tell my mother about the call.I just told ( 12 ) ______ it was a secret between us. A few weeks later , Dad called and ended our phone conversation with the ( 13 ) ______ , "Son , I love you." I was at work during this conversation and tears (眼泪) came to my eyes ( 14 ) ______ I finally "heard" the love.This ( 15 ) ______ moment took our father-son relationship to a new level.Later , we got used to saying "I love you" to each other. I think if I had not taken the first step , I would have never "heard" the love from my father. 1 . A. add B. share C. enjoy D. sell 2 . A. secretly B. carefully C. politely D. directly 3 . A. felt B. saw C. heard D. wrote 4 . A. older B. stronger C. quieter D. opener 5 . A. stories B. feelings C. words D. facts 6 . A. move B. choice C. person D. chance 7 . A. joy B. fear C. peace D. silence 8 . A. asked B. replied C. questioned D. repeated 9 . A. put away B. turned off C. hung up D. took down 10 . A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 11 . A. crazy B. nervous C. excited D. relaxed 12 . A. me B. us C. him D. her 13 . A. signs B. messages C. words D. letters 14 . A. as B. so C. before D. unless 15 . A. special B. comfortable C. difficult D. simple 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 20 分。 16 . If you're a teenager who likes to use the Internet , you'll need to know how to stay safe on the Internet. Be careful to talk to strangers. Talking to strangers can be risky , whether in person or online. ( 1 ) ______ Never reveal your address , age , your school , your grade level , or any information about your parents , family , or friends. ( 2 ) ______ Don't post photos of yourself if you're wearing clothes with the name of your school or town on them.Just say "no"if someone asks you to send them a picture of yourself.You also shouldn't post photos of yourself by easily identifiable (可识别的) places , or others may be able to find out where you are. Disable location services. Many phones and apps use location services.This means every time you post a photo , there will be a location tag (标签) attached to it that tells people where you are. ( 3 ) ______ Don't open spam (垃圾邮件) . If you receive a message that says "hi" followed by your name , that doesn't mean that the person actually knows you.They can find out your name if it's attached to your email address. ( 4 ) ______ If you happen to open the email and notice something that says , "click here , "don't click it. Report dangers ( 5 ) ______ Tell your parents when anyone online has made you feel uncomfortable or bullied you.This include