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重庆渝西中学2024届高三下学期5月月考试题 英语(含参考答案)

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重庆渝西中学2024届高三下学期5月月考试题 英语(含参考答案) 第1页
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{#{QQABbYiEogCIAIAAABhCEQHwCEAQkBGAAAoOxEAAIAAASQFABCA=}#} {#{QQABbYiEogCIAIAAABhCEQHwCEAQkBGAAAoOxEAAIAAASQFABCA=}#} {#{QQABbYiEogCIAIAAABhCEQHwCEAQkBGAAAoOxEAAIAAASQFABCA=}#} {#{QQABbYiEogCIAIAAABhCEQHwCEAQkBGAAAoOxEAAIAAASQFABCA=}#}   1 5 CAACB 6 10 BAABC 11  15 ACABC 16  20 AABCB 21  25 DCBAD 26  30 BCBAD 31  35 CCACB 36  40 GEBDC 41  45 BADCA 46  50 BCDBC 51  55 ABCAB 56 featuring 57 with 58 known 59 is covered 60 which 61 The 62 got 63 oldest 64 gentlemen’s 65 merrily  Dear Tom , Happy birthday to you! Many happy returns to you. Knowing that you are interested in Chinese culture, I am just sending The Outline of Chinese Culture to you as the birthday gift. I hope you will like it. This book gives a brief introduction of Chinese culture, with a lot of excellent photos of typical Chinese architectures, and famous Chinese paintings. The writers paint a vivid picture of Chinese history, customs and art as well as life of the Chinese people, which will surely deepen your understanding of Chinese culture. Happy birthday again. Wish you another fruitful happy year! Yours , Li Hua  I had been working a full -time job . Unfortunately , that was barely enough to pay for tuition . I was the first person in my family who would attend a university . How proud my parents were , but it was impossible for them to finance my education . However , my parents taught me never to give up on my dreams , and never to lose sight of what I truly want out of life . I continued to believe in both myself and my dreams . Months went by without any information . I assumed that I didn ’t qualify for aid , but I wasn ’t ready to lose hope yet . At last , a letter arrived . I opened the envelope . Not only was financial aid going to help me out with my expenses , but I had also won two of the scholarships I had applied for ! I was in shock at first , then I cried . I had actually made my dream come true . I am now a junior at the University of Connecticut . My dream will become a reality . I will be a teacher . I live by this quote : “Reach for the sky because if you should happen to miss, you ’ll still be among the stars .”   21 D        These scholarships cover 100% or 50% of the tuition fees for Bachelor ’s Degree programs , Five-Year Diplomas , Four-Year Diplomas , and Foundation Courses available at our campuses in Milan .    !   " # $ % & % ' ( ) % *  + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4  5 6 7)%8 9 22 C :;<= Combine both your text and mood board into one file >?@ABCDEFGHIJE KL9 video M2NOPK9 23 B QRSTUVIWXEYZ[\D]^_`abcdeRSfghL9IijRS klmn Your concept should solve a major planetary issue  c,op Uqrst2uv)ab 9 24 A QL unhappily, faceless, drill, rote learning (w,opOx the Leaving Cert 2yz{|)9 25 D }~????)?? ??? cheesy, ?/??n?2??Z?X??)??,?? ?)%8??3?2~8??9 26 B ??????)r??????I???o?)r?????????J?????? o?)?2??)<=????????)r?>?????9+,???/???M?9 27 C ~t???????????????????????)????9 28 B QQ???????)U?0???????D????)??9 29 A ???M2??)???????(?)???+,??????
重庆市渝西中学2024届高三下学期5月月考试题 英语(含参考答案解析)试卷Word文档在线免费下载