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2023 年河南省中考英语最后一卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 A group of children gathered around their grandfather.That day , there had been a fight between two adults and their grandfather was ( 1 ) ______ to mediate (调解) .The children were curious to find out what he had said.One of the children asked the grandfather a question that was puzzling him. " Grandfather , why do people ( 2 ) ______ ? " The old man replied , "Well , do you know , my child , we all have two wolves (狼) ( 3 ) ______ us ? They are in our chest (胸膛) ( 4 ) ______ they always fight with each other." The eyes of the children grew ( 5 ) ______ after hearing this. "In our chests too , Grandfather ? "asked another child.The grandfather ( 6 ) ______ his head in agreement and said , " Yes." " And in your chest too ? " asked the ( 7 ) ______ one. The grandfather replied , "Yes , in my chest too." The grandfather surely had all the children's ( 8 ) ______ now , and continued , "There is a white wolf and a black wolf.The black wolf is filled with fear , lies , anger , envy (忌妒), sadness and ( 9 ) ______ .The white wolf is filled with peace , love , courage , confidence , politeness , kindness and truth.So there is always a ( 10 ) ______ fight between these two wolves." Then he stopped.There was ( 11 ) ______ silence and all the children were curiously looking toward him. ( 12 ) ______ , the grandson that asked the first question could not wait anymore and broke the silence , "But Grandfather , which wolf ( 13 ) ______ ? " The old man smiled and replied , "That's simple.The one whom we ( 14 ) ______ the most." Again , all of the children were lost in thought.The world needs ( 15 ) ______ .If we all try to be kind and friendly , there will be fewer and fewer fights. 1 . A. cheered up B. called in C. turned down D. helped out 2 . A. fear B. lie C. fight D. worry 3 . A. above B. like C. behind D. inside 4 . A. or B. unless C. for D. and 5 . A. wide B. warm C. clear D. soft 6 . A. shook B. hung C. nodded D. raised 7 . A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth 8 . A. protection B. attention C. information D. suggestion 9 . A. luck B. regret C. hope D. pleasure 10 . A. good B. fair C. direct D. terrible 11 . A. heavy B. fantastic C. perfect D. complete 12 . A. Exactly B. Probably C. Finally D. Recently 13 . A. wins B. matters C. dies D. leaves 14 . A. feed B. teach C. punish D. avoid 15 . A. care B. peace C. space D. change 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 20 分。 16 . There is a lot of fun in life , but it can also be challenging.Things don't always go our way.Life can also let us down.But sometimes the problems that trouble us are the ones that we create in our own minds.So stop blaming (指责) other people , bad luck , or whatever , and look to ourselves. ( 1 ) ______ We can use them to change the way we live for the better. "My life is a mess.I just wish I could disappear" : "Why do these things always happen to me ? " ( 2 ) ______ Try and put things into perspective (正确认识), take a step back and ask a friend for help.Things are seldom as bad as they seem. Maybe your teacher didn't give you the parts in the school play that you really wanted well , that's a shame , but it doesn't mean your teacher doesn't like you way be there were other students who were more suited to the cole.Things go wrong for million and one different reasons. ( 3 ) ______ Not all teachers are the enemy.Not all adults are out of touch.Try not to look at people so simplistically.Everyone is an individual (个人) . ( 4 ) ______ Get to know people as individuals , and they might surprise you. Don't dwell on (老是想着) the past.There's no point in thinking "If only I'd studied harder for that test"or "I wish I hadn't said those thin