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2023年天津滨海新区中考英语一模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年天津市滨海新区中考英语一模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 1 . At ________ beginning of the new term , we usually make ________ study plan. (  ) A. a ; the B. / ; a C. the ; a D. / ; the 2 . — Did you invite Steve to ________ house for dinner tonight ? — Yes , and I have already prepared a big surprise for ________ . (  ) A. our , he B. us ; him C. we ; he D. our ; him 3 . With every villager's effort , the river is much ________ than it was last year. (  ) A. clear B. clearer C. clearest D. the clearest 4 . I often take my dog for a walk ___ the river after dinner. (  ) A. along B. above C. over D. under 5 . In China , when one side faces ________, help will come from all sides. (  ) A. trainings B. exercises C. difficulties D. differences 6 . My parents are happy to see that I can cook and ________ now. (  ) A. set off B. tidy up C. look for D. go out 7 . The policemen come ________ when accidents happen.So each of us feels pleased. (  ) A. simply B. quickly C. exactly D. slowly 8 . — Is Lily playing basketball there ? — It ________ be her.She went to the teacher' office just now. (  ) A. needn't B. may not C. mustn't D. can't 9 . Please ________ the keyboard and the mouse to the computer. (  ) A. connect B. compare C. cover D. click 10 . I can look after myself ________ it's not easy for me. (  ) A. if B. because C. although D. so that   11 . —________ you ever ________ Chinese Hanfu ? — No , I haven't.But I can't wait to try it on now. (  ) A. Did ; wear B. Are ; wearing C. Have ; worn D. Do ; wear 12 . The classes about space are interesting.They ________ as the beginning of student's dreams for science. (  ) A. will consider B. were considered C. are considered D. will be considered 13 . After correcting my answers , I decided ________ the questions again. (  ) A. study B. studying C. studied D. to study 14 . — Will you go to the library with me tomorrow , Tom ? — I'm not sure.I don't know ________ the work on time. (  ) A. whether will I finish B. whether I will finish C. where can I finish D. where I can finish 15 . — What do you think of the World Smiling Day ? —________ .It can make people get closer to each other. (  ) A. Take it easy B. It's a pity C. Not at all D. Pretty good 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 Joe was driving home on a country road one winter evening.He spent several months looking for a new ( 1 ) ______ since the factory he had worked in was closed.It was a lonely road.Not many people had a ( 2 ) ______ to be on it unless (除非) they were leaving the country.He almost didn't see a small car parked at the side of the road.He thought the driver might need help , so he pulled up in front of the car and got out.An old lady was in the car.At first she was worried. "He looked very poor and hungry , " she thought.He could see that she was ( 3 ) ______ .He said , "I'm here to help you , Madam." All the lady had was a flat tire (瘪的轮胎) .While Joe was ( 4 ) ______ , the lady opened the window and began to talk to him.She told him that she couldn't ( 5 ) ______ him enough for helping her in such a situation.Soon Joe was able to change the tire.She asked how much she owed (欠) him.Joe ( 6 ) ______ thought about money.He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back , the next time she saw someone who needed help , she could ( 7 ) ______ that person the help. A few miles down the road , the old lady saw a small restaurant.She decided to eat something and ( 8 ) ______ herself up before she finished her trip home.The waitress looked young and poor.After she finished her meal , she handed a 100-dollar bill to her.When the waitress went to get her change (零钱), the lady left without being ( 9 ) ______ .The waitress then f