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2023 年上海市普陀区中考英语二模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 1 . Jack found himself growing heavier , so he decided to go on ________ diet. (  ) A. a B. an C. the D. / 2 . Mrs.Li is my English teacher. _______ is kind and friendly. (  ) A. Her B. She C. Hers D. Herself 3 . In ancient times , people lived ___ hunting and fishing. (  ) A. at B. of C. among D. on 4 . Didn't you hear the noise ? I'm sure ________ is out there. (  ) A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody 5 . Thanks to the healthy lifestyle , Lisa still looks as _______ as she was five years ago. (  ) A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 6 . The headmaster asked Ken _________ charge of the Science Club this year. (  ) A. take B. taking C. took D. to take 7 . - ________ I ask a question about the project , Sir ? -Sure.Go ahead. (  ) A. Should B. May C. Need D. Must 8 . Michael _______ his work before he went to bed. (  ) A. will finish B. finishes C. had finished D. has finished 9 . I kept _______ where I had put my 3 D- glasses. (  ) A. wonder B. wondering C. to wonder D. wondered 10 . Little Tony failed the game ,_______ he didn't lose confidence at all. (  ) A. so B. and C. but D. or 11 . After dinner , Peter ______ the table while his wife was washing the dishes. (  ) A. cleans B. cleaned C. is cleaning D. was cleaning 12 . We will see a film in the open air this coming Sunday ________ it rains. (  ) A. unless B. though C. until D. because 13 . The boy _________ and showed us a row of white teeth. (  ) A. laugh B. laughed C. laughs D. is laughing 14 . A family doctor can give people some useful medical __________ . (  ) A. tip B. note C. advice D. message 15 . _______ great progress you' ve made in painting! (  ) A. What B. How a C. How D. What an 二、完形填空:本大题共 6 小题,共 12 分。 I used to be a shy boy and I didn't like to be noticed.I usually chose to sit ( 1 ) ______ at the back of the classroom. After I joined the basketball club , everything changed.At first , I thought it was a crazy idea because I didn't have the ability to keep up with the others in the club.They would laugh at me.But my teacher kept asking me to go for it.I decided to give it a try. Taking the courage to try was only the half of it!When I first started attending the practice courses , I didn't even know the ( 2 ) ______ of the game.Sometimes I got confused and took a shot at the wrong direction.That made me feel really stupid.Luckily , I wasn't the only one "new" at the game , so I decided to learn the game , do my best at each practice course , and not be too hard on myself for the things I didn't know "just yet". I practiced a lot.Soon I knew much about the game and learned the moves from the coach.Being part of a team was so ( 3 ) ______ .Very soon the competitive (努力竞争的) part for me was winning though I didn't have much confidence.With time , I learned how to play and made friends.I never had so much ( 4 ) ______ ! With more confidence coming , I got more ( 5 ) ______ from teachers and classmates.I have gone from ( 6 ) ______ in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself , to raising my hand — even when I sometimes wasn't very sure to have the right answer.Now I have more confidence in myself. 16 . A. sadly B. quietly C. politely D. hardly 17 . A. rules B. results C. names D. situations 18 . A. worrying B. exciting C. amusing D. boring 19 . A. experience B. victory C. fun D. advantage 20 . A. trouble B. advice C. laugh D. praise 21 . A. competing B. arguing C. hiding D. resting 三、阅读理解:本大题共 6 小题,共 12 分。 A Dear Emma , I've finally arrived in Sydney.It has been a long journey. Yesterday morning , I got a taxi to take me to the airport.I had to check in two hours before the time on my