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2023年山西太原市万柏林区中考英语一模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年山西省太原市万柏林区中考英语一模试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 8 小题,共 8 分。 It was a cold day last year.I was waiting for the bus at the bus station.A junior high school girl was there , waiting for the bus , too.She looked very ( 1 ) ______ and she was shivering because of the cold weather.We had a little ( 2 ) ______ while waiting for the bus. She said that she was very nervous because she would take an important competition in a week.She was afraid that she would ( 3 ) ______ .I told her a few encouraging words as well as some funny jokes to make her ( 4 ) ______ .She seemed to be happy again.She thanked me and told me she wished to see me again.The bus had already arrived and I had to get on in a hurry. We may ( 5 ) ______ see each other again.But I'm thankful to her for saying "Wish I could meet you again".It's not easy to say these words.It needs a strong will and ( 6 ) ______ to accept an offering from a stranger.In today's world , most of the time , people are very careful with the people they aren't familiar with.What's more , they seldom ( 7 ) ______ each other. That young girl touched my heart , gave me a memory and a reason to send wishes of good luck and love to all the kids who are ( 8 ) ______ feelings and fears.And it was a great gift for me. 1 . A. excited B. surprised C. worried 2 . A. talk B. decision C. promise 3 . A. succeed B. avoid C. fail 4 . A. choose B. relax C. bore 5 . A. often B. sometimes C. never 6 . A. courage B. opinion C. progress 7 . A. change B. trust C. fool 8 . A. crazy about B. full of C. different from 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 15 分。 9 . 19 : 00 Chatting Group ( 3 ) A : Hello. @Tina , @Paul ? What are you busy with ? B : ( 1 ) ______ C : I'm doing homework. A : The Entrance Exam is coming.But I find I'm too busy to finish all the work. B : ( 2 ) ______ C : In fact.You should choose the most important instead of all. A : Great ideas! ( 3 ) ______ B : Sure. C : No problem. ( 4 ) ______ A : At six o'clock this afternoon. B : ( 5 ) ______ C : Bye. A.See you. B.When shall we meet ? C.We are too busy now. D.What should I do first ? E.I'm doing some washing. F.You need to make a plan. G.Could you help me make the plan ? 10 . 阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。 Sometimes we feel tired about ourselves , and ask where our direction is.However , no matter where you are in life , who you are , and what you've done , it's never too late to start. Your future is a piece of clean paper.You think you've lived a 1/10 life so far. ( 1 ) ______ I'll take time , but you have to start.Whatever you want to improve on , you can get there. ( 2 ) ______ Then you can have a completely different thinking model.That's what changes your habits.I feel like these days I see so many people who have given up and regarded themselves as nothing. ( 3 ) ______ In fact , it is not a fact but a decision.Changing your small habits and being with the changes are the keys to growing as a person and getting to where you want to get.I don't know you , I don't know your goals. ( 4 ) ______ I've always believed there are two kinds of persons-the persons they are now , and the persons they could become if they work hard with what they have. ( 5 ) ______ And in the end , you will find that you have far more energy than you think actually. A.Changing you takes a lot of time , but it's worth it. B.It's change that brings not only chances but also challenges. C.They have agreed the fact that things will always be the way they are. D.But I know that whatever they are , you can take the first step towards them. E.However , you can put 10/10 effort in going forward and see a big difference. F.So imagine the best kind of yourself and you can achieve be