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2022-2023学年江西吉安二中九年级(上)第二次段考英语试卷.docx 第1页
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2022-2023 学年江西省吉安二中九年级(上)第二次段考英语试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 8 小题,共 8 分。 1 . A good learner can always __________ knowledge with practice. (  ) A.  compare B.  connect C.  share D.  provide 2 . Home is the best place where we can get not only __________ but also the sense of safety. (  ) A.  worry B.  stress C.  warmth D.  danger 3 . These beautiful flowers planted by my grandfather __________ sweet. (  ) A.  sound B.  smell C.  taste D.  feel 4 . The city library was so far that it took me __________ two hours to get there by bus yesterday. (  ) A.  nearly B.  simply C.  hardly D.  really 5 . Thanks to the Internet , lots of information __________ online. (  ) A.  can search B.  can't search. C.  can be searched D.  can't be search 6 . __________ you eat , you should make sure that it is clean. (  ) A.  However B.  Whenever C.  No matter D.  No matter what 7 . Spring is a ( n )__________ season and people feel energetic in such a season. (  ) A.  serious B.  lively C.  widely D.  absent 8 . — How did you find my baseball bat ? — I fond it in my dresser __________ . (  ) A.  on purpose B.  in surprise C.  by accident D. in danger 二、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。     Dragons are not real animals , but they look like a mix of many animals such as snakes , fish and tigers in Chinese culture.They have two horns (角) and a long ( 1 ) ______ .With fantastic powers , they can ( 2 ) ______ in the sky or swim in the sea.They can make rain , too.     The Chinese Dragon is a symbol of ( 3 ) ______ and good luck.The king of ancient China ( 4 ) ______ dragons.Their clothes are often covered with ( 5 ) ______ of dragons.Today we are ( 6 ) ______ to call ourselves the"descendants (后代) of the dragon".In Chinese , excellent people are often called "dragons".A number of Chinese sayings talk about dragons , such as "Hope one's child will become a dragon " which means that ( 7 ) ______ hopes the child will be successful.     It is ( 8 ) ______ that people born in the Year of the Dragon have certain characters.They are creative , active , brave but they become angry ( 9 ) ______ .There are some famous " dragons " who have done excellent things and are very ( 10 ) ______ .     There are also some traditional ( 11 ) ______ about dragons in China , such as the Dragon Head- Raising Day and the Dragon Boat Festival , which are ( 12 ) ______ in different ways.These two festivals come every year ,( 13 ) ______ the Year of Dragon comes every twelve years.The dragon is one of the most important parts in Chinese culture.Someone ( 14 ) ______ is interested in Chinese culture may study it and it'll be helpful for a better understanding of Chinese culture.As the " descendants of the dragon " , it's our duty to work together to ( 15 ) ______ our traditional culture on to more and more people. 9 . A. body B. hair C. face D. arm 10 . A. cry B. fly C. jump D. eat 11 . A. contribution B. job C. energy D. treasure 12 . A. stroke B. laughed C. hated D. loved 13 . A. smell B. pictures C. taste D. appearances 14 . A. amazed B. proud C. shy D. interested 15 . A. someone B. anybody C. some D. anything 16 . A. studied B. shocked C. said D. suggested 17 . A. completely B. hardly C. gladly D. easily 18 . A. natural B. successful C. strange D. impolite 19 . A. messages B. information C. festivals D. service 20 . A. celebrated B. promised C. decided D. offered 21 . A. until B. while C. unless D. before 22 . A. where B. what C. which D. who 23 . A. pass B. pick C. choose D. save 三、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 15 分。 24 . Three students are talking about the New Year traditions of their own country. A.Christina from Spain On the last day of the year , the 31st of December , people wait till 12 p.m. ( 1