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2023年北京昌平区中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年北京市昌平区中考英语二模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 12 小题,共 6 分。 1 . Linda is my sister. ________ always takes care of me. (  ) A.  He B.  She C.  It D.  They 2 . — When do you have after-class activities ? —________ 16 : 30 every school day. (  ) A.  On B.  At C.  In D.  To 3 . —________ Tony play the piano ? — Of course , he can.He even has his own band. (  ) A.  Can B.  Need C.  Must D.  Should 4 . — What's your favourite animal ? — Pandas.They're one of ________ animals all over the world. (  ) A.  popular B.  more popular C.  most popular D.  the most popular 5 . — ________ do you do volunteer work ? — Once a month. (  ) A.  How long B.  How much C.  How often D.  How soon 6 . We were very happy ________ we won the speech competition. (  ) A.  because B.  but C.  or D. so 7 . My friend and I ________ trees in March every year. (  ) A.  plant B.  are planting C.  will plant D.  planted 8 . If it doesn't rain , we ________ hiking tomorrow. (  ) A.  go B.  went C.  will go D.  have gone 9 . I ________ a book when my mother got home yesterday evening. (  ) A.  read B.  will read C.  am reading D.  was reading 10 . Tom ________ in Shanghai since he came to China five years ago. (  ) A.  lives B.  lived C.  has lived D.  will live 11 . A gym ________ in our school last year. (  ) A.  build B.  built C.  is built D.  was built 12 . — Could you tell me ________? — We will go to Hangzhou. (  ) A.  when we will have the summer camp B.  where we will have the summer camp C.  when will we have the summer camp D.  where will we have the summer camp 二、完形填空:本大题共 8 小题,共 8 分。 The Seven Wonders Anna was a 13-year-old girl.She moved to a new junior high school in another city when she finished her primary school.Today was the first day of her new school. As soon as she stepped into the classroom , students came over and ( 1 ) ______ with her.When they found Anna had a stammer (口吃), some left her alone and others made fun of her.Soon the teacher arrived.He asked everyone to go back to their ( 2 ) ______ and keep quiet.He introduced Anna to the class but some students still laughed and whispered (窃窃私语) . Then the teacher told the students to be ready for a quick test , to write down the Seven Wonders of the World.Everyone started writing down their answers quickly.However , Anna seemed to lose herself in thought and wrote ( 3 ) ______ . When everyone except Anna had handed in their paper , Anna looked a bit upset.The teacher came and told her that as other students had learned about it just a couple of days ago , it didn't matter if she couldn't answer. "Don't ( 4 ) ______ .Just write what you know , " he said.Anna replied , "I-I was thinking that there are s-so many wonderful things in the world.Which seven should I p-pick , then ? No worries , Mr.Green.I'll finish soon." A few minutes later , she ( 5 ) ______ her paper.The teacher started reading everyone's answer and most of the students gave the right answers , such as The Great Wall of China , Stonehenge , Leaning Tower of Pisa and so on.He was ( 6 ) ______ because students remembered what he had taught them.At last , he picked up Anna's paper and started reading. "The seven wonders are — to be able to see , to hear , to feel , to laugh , to think , to be kind and to love!" Mr.Green read it out. The teacher stood still and the whole class was surprised and ( 7 ) ______ .They didn't expect the girl who had a stammer gave a totally different answer that reminded them about the valuable ( 8 ) ______ that are born with most people , which are truly wonders. 13 . A. chatted B. walked C. argued D. learned 14 . A. schools B. seats C. offices D. corners 15 . A. angrily B. quickly C. happily D. slowly 16 . A. hide B. leave C. worry D. copy 17 . A.