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专题04 单词拼写-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编 - 副本.docx

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专题04 单词拼写-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编 - 副本.docx 第1页
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2011 年 单词拼写 46. The boy tried to_______________(跳)over the fence. 答案: j ump 47. Tina is a_______________ (陌生人)in this village. Nobody knows where she comes from. 答案: s tranger 48. We stayed at grandma’s house for____________ (几乎)a month。 答案: nearly 49. I bought__ ______________(我自己 )a new computer. 答案: m yself 50. John is very ____________(粗心的)and he often loses his keys. 答案: c areless 51.A____________ (著名的)writer used to live in this small town. 答案: f a mous 52 .Tom’s parents only allow him to_____________(游泳)in the pool. 答案: s wim 53 . The i ce on the river is_____________ (厚)enough to skate on. 答案: t hick 5 4 .I must raise my voice so that everybody can_____________(听到)me. 答案: h ear 55 . It takes great___________ _____(努力)to get the party ready. 答案: e ffort 201 2 年 单词拼写 46. The children were all moved to________(眼泪). 答案: t ears 47 . Jack is a hard -working and __________(诚实的)man. 答案: h onest 48.Take the_________(药)three times a day after meals. 答案: m edicine 49.The weather is usually __________(干燥的)and sunny at this time of the years. 答案: d ry 50 .Michael studied modern European___________ _(历史)at college. 答案: h istory 51.Don't____________(浪费)your money on unnecessary things. 答案: w aste 52 . Hurry up! We’re going to be ___________(晚了)! 答案: l ate 53.He had no________(经验)of running a kinderga rten. 答案: experien ce 54.Your sister and I will _________(结婚)t his spring in New York City. 答案: m arry 55.Thanks to my English teacher, my spoken English has________(极大的)improved. 答案: extremely 201 3 年 单词拼写 46. Everybody wants to _______________( 练习 ) their English with me. 答案: p ract ice 47. Many people _________________( 成功 ) in losing weight by doing exercises. 答案: s ucceed 48. I don’t think it’s _______________(健康的) for her to spend so much time alone. 答案: h ealthy 49. I am having _________________(医学的) treatment n
专题04 单词拼写-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编 - 副本.docx