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2023年上海虹口区中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年上海市虹口区中考英语二模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 1 . The Wang family will go on ________ picnic this Sunday. (  ) A. an B. a C. the D. / 2 . The lady is so old that she can't take care of __________ . (  ) A. her B. she C. hers D. herself 3 . Don't be afraid to ask for some _________ on food ordering in a foreign country. (  ) A. advice B. method C. opinion D. suggestion 4 . Nowadays travelling by high-speed train is as ________ as travelling by air. (  ) A. more popular B. most popular C. popular D. the most popular 5 . China launched its third aircraft carrier , the Fujian , in Shanghai ,________ June 17 , 2022. (  ) A. in B. on C. at D. to 6 . -Which do you prefer , coffee or tea ? - ______, thanks.I'd like a glass of water. (  ) A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 7 . In our school , all students _________ wear school uniforms on weekdays. (  ) A. may B. can C. must D. ought 8 . Michael _________ in a school in Yunnan from February to June next year. (  ) A. teach B. taught C. will teach D. was teaching 9 . When we ’ re under a lot of stress, we need something that enables us ________ relaxed. A. feel B. to feel C. to feeling D. feeling 10 . The famous writer ________ two novels by the end of last month. (  ) A. writes B. is writing C. would write D. had written 11 . The World Cup is an international football competition that _______ every four years. (  ) A. holds B. held C. is held D. was held 12 . ________ lovely the panda is!I really want to play with it at once. (  ) A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 13 . Jerry lost his way in the field, ________  the ground was covered with thick snow. A. or B. for C. but D. so 14 . Can you tell me _________ Paul was late for that important meeting this morning ?(  ) A. why B. what C. when D. where 15 . -Excuse me ,_______ is the beach from here ? -Only five minutes' walk. (  ) A. how soon B. how often C. how long D. how far 二、完形填空:本大题共 6 小题,共 12 分。 Reading about climate change can feel frightening , but did you know that three countries now take in more greenhouse gases than they release ?( 1 ) ______ it's important to realize the climate change , it's perhaps even more important to learn some solutions.The news we receive can have an effect on how we understand the world – so having a balanced "media diet" is important. Why is news good for you ? News tells us what's happening in the world , which means we can make wise ( 2 ) ______ – like who to vote for in an election , or how we can help to deal with climate change. The news can affect your ( 3 ) ______ .That's a normal feeling , and it's OK to feel sad , angry or worried about something you see in the news.Recent research found that 36 % of people who avoid the news do so because of the negative (消极的) effect it has. However ,( 4 ) ______ the news won't help to fix the world's problems.If a news story worries you – for example , the war in Ukraine or the floods in Pakistan – you could do something positive (积极的) in response. Develop a healthy media diet.Daisy Greenwell from Positive News , a magazine that reports on things that are going right in the world , told The Week Junior , "We believe that reading positive news stories makes people feel ( 5 ) ______ .As well as reading positive news stories , it might be helpful to ( 6 ) ______ the amount of news you read , listen to or watch , as receiving too much news too often can feel frightening.Instead , try daily shows or weekly magazines.Watching news with an adult can also help , as you can discuss it together. 16 . A. Until B. Because C. Unless D. Although 17 . A. discussions B. attractions C. decisions D. memories 18 . A. mood B. future C. health D. study 19 . A. remembering B. ignoring C. downloading D. providing 20 . A.