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2023年天津河北区中考英语一模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年天津市河北区中考英语一模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 1 . Alice was ________ best dancer in our school , so she received ________ invitation to a dance. (  ) A. a ; an B. a ; the C. the ; the D. the ; an 2 . There are many English learning websites.Millions of people around the world visit ________ daily to improve ________ English. (  ) A. them ; their B. them ; theirs C. their ; them D. their ; they 3 . We can help keep the air clean by planting trees.Trees are good for the ________ . (  ) A. decision B. information C. environment D. connection 4 . I think man-made wonders are  ____________  than natural ones .(  ) A. exciting B. more exciting C. most exciting D. the most exciting 5 . China has made great progress in improving people's living conditions ,________ those of poor families. (  ) A. exactly B. hardly C. probably D. especially 6 . The scientist was doing a lot of research.Though he was very tired , he ________ his work. (  ) A. invited B. separated C. continued D. received 7 . Let's watch the cartoon. The Monkey King can fly ______ the sky and fight bad people. A. through B. after C. between D. against 8 . All around the world many wild animals are in danger.We ________ lose them all one day. (  ) A. should B. may C. needn't D. can't 9 . Don't worry about your exams.If you work harder , you ________ better next time. (  ) A. do B. did C. have done D. will do 10 . The players all arrive at the stadium as early as they can ________ they have time to warm up. (  ) A. as soon as B. so that C. until D. if 11 . The mountain is ________ the strange shape of its tall rocks.Some of them look like humans while others look like wild animals. (  ) A. proud of B. careful with C. worried about D. famous for   12 . Chopsticks are an important part of Chinese culture.They ________ more than 3 , 000 years ago. (  ) A. are invented B. were invented C. invented D. invent 13 . I started the computer ________ if some of my documents were missing. (  ) A. check B. checked C. to check D. checking 14 . — Can you tell me ________? — Oh yes , of course!You click "save" , and write a name for it. (  ) A. how many emails do they send B. how many emails they send C. how do I save the document D. how I save the document 15 . — The art teacher is going to start a new after-school club — you can learn to draw cartoons or write songs. —________ .I will join the club. (  ) A. That sounds interesting B. That's no good C. That's very dangerous D. That's a pity 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 Everyone in Class 6 , Grade 9 was sad.Their class monitor , Derek , was going to move to another country with his family in a few weeks. ( 1 ) ______ Derek wanted very much to stay with his classmates , he had no choice but to follow his family. All of Derek's classmates ( 2 ) ______ Derek because he was kind and warm-hearted.Every time they had ( 3 ) ______ , they would go to him.Derek would always try to give them advice.So , ( 4 ) ______ was sad to hear that Derek was going to leave. Derek's best friend , Rick , said , "I think we should do something for Derek ".The class started to work with ( 5 ) ______ they could do.Finally , they decided to have a surprise farewell (告别) party for him.Their teacher Mrs.Sim thought it was a ( n ) ( 6 ) ______ idea. On Derek's last day of school , Mrs.Sim told Derek that she wanted to meet ( 7 ) ______ in her office.When Derek left the ( 8 ) ______ , the class started to decorate it.After about twenty minutes , Mrs.Sim and Derek ( 9 ) ______ and the decorations were in place.Derek had a look of surprise on his face.Then Mrs.Sim handed a large card to him.It had everyone's ( 10 ) ______ to him in it.Derek was very touched by it and he said , "T