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2023年内蒙古包头市昆都仑区中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年内蒙古包头市昆都仑区中考英语二模试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 When I moved to America in the 7th grade , I did not speak any English.I had no choice but to keep working hard.Although I made ( 1 ) ______ when I reached the 9th grade , people still found it difficult to understand me because of my accent (口音) . One day , at a party , I was invited to play a guessing game.When it was my turn , I tried to ( 2 ) ______ the object that I had in mind.Suddenly someone said with a laugh , " What did she say ? "I felt ( 3 ) ______ .Out of kindness , a girl gently advised me to repeat it , but I got stuck on the word"purple" — I couldn't ( 4 ) ______ it.This time , everyone laughed while I was trying hard to get the word out of me. This ( 5 ) ______ had its own influence on me.When opportunities were opened up for the summer program I had been looking forward to , I ( 6 ) ______ to attend the interview.Luckily , I got tons of encouragement from people around me.So I decided to ( 7 ) ______ . At the interview , the other students in my group spoke very ( 8 ) ______ but I didn't speak that much.I knew that I could hardly be understood because of my accent. ( 9 ) ______ when I was nervous , it would be even more difficult for me to pronounce words clearly.After the interview , I stayed , said " ( 10 ) ______ " and explained to the teachers.I didn't want them to think I wasn't interested or I was being unfriendly.But they appreciated (欣赏) that I ( 11 ) ______ myself." It's OK.You don't have to say sorry.Your accent does not make you less than others."said one of the teachers. Surprisingly , I was accepted into the ( 12 ) ______ .Imagine how I felt! Up to now , I still feel ( 13 ) ______ that I took that step.It is a sign that I have changed.I did not let my accent ( 14 ) ______ me.I'm sure I will continue to feel nervous about speaking English with strangers. ( 15 ) ______ that 's OK.It will not stop me from trying to be better. 1 . A. promises B. trouble C. progress 2 . A. touch B. choose C. describe 3 . A. unusual B. uneasy C. unfair 4 . A. pronounce B. understand C. translate 5 . A. experience B. decision C. secret 6 . A. forgot B. feared C. agreed 7 . A. take a rest B. have a talk C. have a try 8 . A. politely B. loudly C. professionally 9 . A. Besides B. Instead C. Again 10 . A. Thank you B. I'm sorry C. Excuse me 11 . A. expressed B. helped C. improved 12 . A. program B. interview C. game 13 . A. angry B. surprised C. lucky 14 . A. save B. stop C. follow 15 . A. So B. Because C. But 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 15 分。 16 . A : Hello , Tony . What are you busy doing these days ? B : I'm busy exercising . (1) A : What for ? You're in good health . B : Thank you . But I want to be much healthier . A : (2) B : At Sunshine Sports Center . I'm a VIP of it . A : Wow , cool! I'd like to exercise there , too . (3) B : Don't worry . I can help you . A : Is it far from here ? B : Yes . It's about three kilometers from here . (4) A : Which bus should I take ? B : You need to take Bus No . 3 to Binjiang Road , and walk along that road to the end . Then you can see Sunshine Sports Center on your left . (5) It's easy to find it . A : Thank you very much . B : My pleasure . A . You'd better take a bus . B . Why do you go there ? C . You know , I want to lose my weight . D . But I don't know the way there . E . It's a wonderful one . F . Where do you usually do sports ? G . It's between a bank and a theater . (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 17 . A : Hello!This is Amy speaking. ( 1 ) ______ ? B : Yes , please.This is Tom speaking. A : Can I ask you some questions ? B : Sure , please! A :( 2 ) ______ ? B : Invention ? My