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2023年河南周口市天一大联考中考英语三模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年河南省周口市天一大联考中考英语三模试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 At the age of 15 , I went to a new school.There was a girl in my class named Paris.She is totally different from me. I was tall.She was small.I was one of the oldest in the class while she was the ( 1 ) ______ .My hair was thick , short and ugly ( 2 ) ______ hers was long and beautiful.I was awkward and ( 3 ) ______ .She wasn't.She enjoyed talking a lot.I couldn't ( 4 ) ______ her , considering her as my enemy.But she wanted to be ( 5 ) ______ with me. One day , she invited me to her home. ( 6 ) ______ , no one had invited me before.But this girl , who wore the latest fashions , wanted to see me. She lived near school.When we got to her room , she ( 7 ) ______ a big case of Barbies (芭比娃娃) .But we didn't play with them.We sat on the floor and ( 8 ) ______ happily when we made up funny stories about the Barbies.I found we had ( 9 ) ______ in common.We both wanted to be writers because of the wild ( 10 ) ______ in our minds.We had a great time that afternoon. Paris cheered the whole neighborhood.The bookstore owners ( 11 ) ______ her fashion magazines , the movie theater gave her free passes , and the pizza place let her have free pieces.Soon I was included ( 12 ) ______ her magic world.We slept over at each other's houses and spent every free ( 13 ) ______ together. Paris , my ( 14 ) ______ real friend since childhood , helped me get through my hard teenage years and ( 15 ) ______ me an amazing thing about making friends : Your"enemy"can turn out to be your best friend. 1 . A. youngest B. least C. smallest D. shortest 2 . A. and B. but C. or D. so 3 . A. happy B. sweet C. shy D. smart 4 . A. stand B. mind C. leave D. help 5 . A. friends B. relatives C. enemies D. workmates 6 . A. Actually B. Finally C. Gradually D. Suddenly 7 . A. put out B. found out C. took out D. helped out 8 . A. sang B. jumped C. laughed D. fought 9 . A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 10 . A. situation B. imagination C. tradition D. conversation 11 . A. lent B. borrowed C. showed D. hid 12 . A. with B. on C. in D. at 13 . A. moment B. change C. chance D. message 14 . A. first B. new C. young D. same 15 . A. thought B. taught C. bought D. caught 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 20 分。 16 . What are the beauty standards in China and how are they different from Western standards ? What does beauty look like in the East and West ? ( 1 ) ______ In China , most people think that large eyes and white skin look beautiful. ( 2 ) ______ Many other things can make people beautiful , too.My father said that the beauty of the Chinese people is in being gentle and implicit (含蓄的), like an ink painting.My grandma told me that , while dancing in the square , it is beautiful to wear colorful headscarves and smile brightly at everyone.My teacher said China is an ancient country of manners.Manners make people beautiful. ( 3 ) ______ Now some apps make everyone look pretty , but she thought people should be themselves and show their own characters. ( 4 ) ______ In the West , beautiful women tend to have big lips , blonde hair and an athletic body.However , people's aesthetics (审美) are always changing , and the exchange of cultures will influence each other.No one can make the standards of beauty for a country or a social group.The world will become beautiful only if we accept all kinds of ideas about beauty. The good thing is that these days , more and more young people both from China and the West , are beginning to realize that narrow standards can be harmful.We shouldn't let anyone control us. ( 5 ) ______ A.But that's just the appearance. B.Here is what different people think about it. C.My classmate Lucy believed that beauty is bein