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Unit 3 Welcome to our school.-【同步写作课】2023-2024学年七年级上册英语单元写作深度指导(牛津译林版).docx

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Unit 3 Welcome to our school.-【同步写作课】2023-2024学年七年级上册英语单元写作深度指导(牛津译林版).docx 第1页
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Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 单元写作指导与演练 近三年考情分析 话题 考查热度 学校环境 认识新学校 ( 位置、 大小、人员、结构、学校科目 ) 本单元的话题是“学校环境”,认识并介绍新学校,要求学生能简单介绍自己或他人的学校,本单元写作要求同学们能根据相关信息提示简单地介绍自己或他人的学校。 内容包括位置、 大小、人员、结构、设施、学校科目和上学的交通方式等。在具体的写作中, 学生应做到以下几点: 1. 能用I, you, she, he, it, we, they 等主格人称代词及其对应的宾格形式; 2. 能按照空间或者一定的逻辑顺序介绍学校环境; 3.能正确使用标点符号: 4.能正确书写英语句子。 (以 思维导图 的形式呈现) 【词汇积累】 1. meeting n.会议;集会 2. gate n.大门 3. so adv.如此, 这么;非常 4. front n.前面 5. building n.建筑物, 房子, 楼房 6. ground n.地, 地面 7. bright adj.明亮的 8. modern adj.现代的:新式的 【句型积累】 I study at … There are ... classrooms in ... We have/do not have a playground/a library/a hall ... It is not …but … I live far away from/near the school. I take a bus/walk to school. I go to school by bike/by bus/on foot ... It takes me ... to get to school. 去学校 的 交通方式及所需时间 I go to school on foot every day.=I walk to school every day. I ride a bike to school every day.=I go to school by bike every day. I take a bus to school every day.=I go to school by bus every day. It takes me about half an hour(twenty minutes/ten minutes) to get to school. I live far away from my school./I live near my school. My school is really big. There is a big playground in front of our classroom building. We can play football with our friends after class. There are many classrooms in my school. Our classrooms are clean and bright. There are many tall buildings in my school. There are also lots of trees and flowers in my school. Our teachers are all kind to us, so we like them very much. We have many new friends at school. We can read books together and chat with each other. 假如你是王林,请你根据下面的提示, 写一篇英语短文介绍一下自己的学校。 提示:1) 介绍学校的学生人数; 2)介绍学校的建筑
Unit 3 Welcome to our school.-【同步写作课】2023-2024学年七年级上册英语单元写作深度指导(牛津译林版).docx