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2023年云南昭通市巧家县中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年云南省昭通市巧家县中考英语二模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 1 . — Do you mind showing me how to make a traditional lantern ? —________ .Let's go to buy the materials first. (  ) A. Sounds great B. Of course not C. No way D. That's all right 2 . — Is there ________ airport in the south of the city ? — Yes.Many people go there to take the plane every day. (  ) A. a B. / C. the D. an 3 . — All of the students went to the party ________ Tom. — Yes.He had to look after his young sister at home. (  ) A. with B. for C. over D. except 4 . — I wonder if Mark gets angry with me. He ____________ talks to me in the group work. — No, he is just a man of few words. A. truly B. hardly C. quietly D. usually 5 . Steve is always full of _________ .He not only takes all kinds of activities at school , but also helps with housework at home. (  ) A. fun B. pride C. energy D. hope 6 . — I have trouble ________ him understand.Can you help me ? — No problem. (  ) A. make B. making C. to make D. made 7 . -Are you going to wear the purple dress to the party ? -No , it doesn't fit me anymore.I' ve ___________ 10 kilos this year. (  ) A. put on B. turned on C. got up D. taken up 8 . Alice is much ________ than before.She used to be afraid to speak in public. (  ) A. brave B. braver C. lazy D. lazier 9 . Work hard and try to get better , and then you _________ successful more easily. (  ) A. become B. became C. will become D. is becoming 10 . — I am looking forward to the music festival so much!Do you know ________? — I'm not sure.Maybe next Saturday. (  ) A. when will it be held B. when it will be held C. where it will be held D. where will it be held 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 Mark is good at math.He usually gets a good grade on every math test.However , he did very ( 1 ) ______ on last week's test. When Mark got his test paper , he saw some ( 2 ) ______ on the top of it — see me after school.Mark was afraid that ( 3 ) ______ math teacher Ms.Smith was going to punish him. ( 4 ) ______ school was over , Mark went to the teachers' office. "Mark , is everything all right ? Are you having any ( 5 ) ______ at home or in school ? " asked Ms.Smith. "I'm sorry , Ms.Smith.I didn't understand the new topics you ( 6 ) ______ in class , "answered Mark. "Why didn't you ask me in class ? " asked Ms.Smith. "I was afraid that other students would ( 7 ) ______ that I'm stupid , "replied Mark. "Oh , Mark.Asking questions doesn't mean that you're not ( 8 ) ______ .In fact , smart people ask the most questions!You and your classmates are all here to ( 9 ) ______ , so it's important that you ask when you don't understand.If you don't feel like asking questions in front of others , you can always find me ( 10 ) ______ class , " said Ms.Smith. "I'll do just that.Thank you so much.Ms.Smith , " said Mark with a smile on his face. 11 . A. quickly B. angrily C. differently D. badly 12 . A. words B. stories C. rules D. books 13 . A. her B. my C. his D. your 14 . A. If B. When C. Because D. Though 15 . A. answers B. problems C. interests D. ideas 16 . A. changed B. heard C. taught D. advised 17 . A. keep B. fear C. accept D. think 18 . A. beautiful B. smart C. strange D. comfortable 19 . A. learn B. work C. sleep D. play 20 . A. after B. for C. in D. to 三、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 1 小题,共 7.5 分。 21 . You've probably heard term"fake (虚假的) news".It refers to (指) news articles that are made up to look like the real ones. ( 1 ) ______ Fake photos can make people believe things that aren't true.And experts say they can be even more powerful than fake articles.After all , we often believe what we see more than what we read. Each day , we can see countless fake photos on the Internet. ( 2 )