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2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九年级下册 Unit 2 词汇复测练习 .docx

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2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九年级下册 Unit 2 词汇复测练习 .docx 第1页
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中考一轮复习 词汇 复测练习 牛津译林版英语九年级下册 U ni t 2 G reat people inventor ( 发明家 ) : - 例句: Thomas Edison is known as a prolific inventor, with over a thousand patents to his name. ( 托马斯 · 爱迪生以其丰富的发明家身份而闻名,他有超过一千项专利。 ) - 完成句子: Alexander Graham Bell is credited as the ________ of the telephone. (inventor) - 相关表达: innovator ( 创新者 ) , creator ( 创造者 ) invent ( 发明 ) : - 例句: The Wright brothers invented the world's first successful airplane. ( 莱特兄弟发明了世界上第一架成功的飞机。 ) - 完成句子: The scientist spent years researching and experimenting before he finally ________ a revolutionary new technology. (invented) - 相关表达: create ( 创造 ) , develop ( 开发 ) explorer ( 探险家 ) : - 例句: Christopher Columbus was a famous explorer who is credited with discovering America. ( 克里斯托弗 · 哥伦布是一位著名的探险家,他被认为是发现美洲的人。 ) - 完成句子: The expedition was led by a team of experienced ________ who ventured into uncharted territories. (explorers) - 相关表达: adventurer ( 冒险家 ) , pioneer ( 先驱 ) South African ( 南非人 ) : - 例句: Nelson Mandela was a prominent South African leader who fought against apartheid. ( 纳尔逊 · 曼德拉是一位杰出的南非领导人,他与种族隔离制度进行了斗争。 ) - 完成句子: Charlize Theron is a famous actress and a proud ________. (South African) - 相关表达: South Africa ( 南非 ) , South African culture ( 南非文化 ) fighter ( 战士 ) : - 例句: The soldiers fought bravely on the front lines as dedicated fighters. ( 士兵们作为忠诚的战士在前线英勇作战。 ) - 完成句子: She trained for years to become a skilled ________ in martial arts. (fighter) - 相关表达: warrior ( 勇士 ) , combatant ( 战斗人员 ) invention ( 发明 ) : - 例句: The invention of the internet revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. ( 互联网的发明改变了我们交流和获取信息的方式。 ) - 完成句子: The printing press is considered one of the most important
2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九年级下册 Unit 2 词汇复测练习 .docx