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2023年山西大同市中考英语模拟试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年山西省大同市中考英语模拟试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 8 小题,共 8 分。 My grandmother passed away almost 18 years ago but I still miss her every day.She was such a ( n )( 1 ) ______ part of my life.My mom , dad , brothers and I lived in her old house for most of my ( 2 ) ______ .When I close my eyes and open my heart , that is how I remember her.I can still see her in her flower print , cotton dress.I can hear her high-pitched (高声的) voice say , "HELLO" as I opened the door after school , while her ( 3 ) ______ opened to give me a big hug and kiss.When she hugged me I could feel the love and ( 4 ) ______ coming from her heart into mine. I thought I knew everything about my "Nana" but ( 5 ) ______ , I am still learning more about her even today.Just yesterday an old family friend stopped to talk to me at the post office.She told me of what happened once while she visited my Nana when I was still a little boy.They were sitting around the dining room table and talking.Our friend ( 6 ) ______ the lovely earrings my Nana was wearing.She told Nana how much she liked them and asked if she could wear them for a couple of days.Without a second thought , my sweet Nana ( 7 ) ______ the earrings and gave them to her on the spot (当场) .How excited and ( 8 ) ______ the friend was when she got such wonderful gifts. I decided then that I want to take Nana as my role model.Be nice and care more about people and less about things. 1 . A. popular B. necessary C. important 2 . A. childhood B. development C. situation 3 . A. legs B. arms C. ears 4 . A. pain B. sadness C. joy 5 . A. amazingly B. probably C. suddenly 6 . A. checked B. smelled C. noticed 7 . A. took off B. put down C. turned up 8 . A. peaceful B. thankful C. truthful 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 15 分。 9 . WeChat Friends ( 3 persons ) A : @David @ Grace How was your summer holiday ? David : It was wonderful.I went to Shanghai with my family. Grace : Sounds exciting. ( 1 ) ______ David : We went shopping , had the local food and went to the Disneyland. A : You must have a great time there. David : Yes.The trip to Disneyland left me lots of sweet memories.The most exciting part was the fireworks show. ( 2 ) ______ Where did you go on vacation ? @Grace Grace : I went to my grandparents' in the mountains. A :( 3 ) ______ Grace : Yes.In the daytime , I helped my grandparents feed chickens , milk cows and water vegetables. ( 4 ) ______ I also told them some interesting things in my school. David : What a kind girl you are! @Grace A : @Grace I also hope to experience such a kind of peaceful life. David : Our club will organize us to visit a farm next Sunday. ( 5 ) ______ A : That sounds interesting , I hope to go with you. Grace : Me , too. David : No problem. A.How beautiful it was! B.If you are interested in it , you can go with us. C.I think it's boring. D.What did you do there ? E.It seems you had a pretty peaceful vacation. F.In the evening , I read newspapers to them. G.I watch it three times a week. (1) (2) (3) 10 . 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 Who is the most famous artist in the world ? If not Leonardo da Vinci , it might be Pablo Picasso , Picasso was one of the most famous artists of the 20th century. Born in Spain , Picasso showed his talent at an early age. ( 1 ) ______ The neighbors all exclaimed that he was a genius (天才) .However , this "genius" was not an excellent student.When he listened to the class , he either dreamed aimlessly or looked at the trees and birds outside the window. As a bad student , Picasso's detention (关禁闭) in school has become very common.There are only benches and empty walls in the detention room , but Picasso is very happy. ( 2 ) ______ He first learned painting from his