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第03章 健康与生活方式-2024年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练.docx

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2024 年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练 第三章 健康与生活方式 越来越多的人认识到健康是最大的幸福 , 没有了健康就谈不上生活质量 , 生命也不完美 . 遗憾的是 , 还有不少人不知道怎样才能活得健康 . 健康的生活方式包括合理膳食、锻炼身体、早起早睡、不吸烟、不酗酒、保证充足睡眠、保持良好心情等 . 美好的生活从健康的生活方式开始 . 话题一 早餐与健康 一、话题解读一审主题 早餐对身体健康非常重要 . 然而调查发现 , 目前还有很多人没有养成吃早餐的习惯 , 或是早餐吃得过于随意 . 事实上 , 早餐与我们的健康息息相关 . 早餐能为我们的身体提供上午甚至全天所需的能量 ; 吃早餐可以让我们精神饱满 , 提高学习和工作的效率 ; 吃早餐有利于我们保持身体健康 . 当然 , 除了吃早餐 , 参加体育运动和保持良好的情绪对我们的身体健康也很重要 . 范文欣赏 Breakfast is important for our health, but not all the students have realized it The result of are cent survey shows that many students go to school without having breakfast. It is not a good habit. There are several reasons that students should have a proper breakfast before going to school. Firstly, if they don't have bre a kfast, they may feel hungry during class, which may distract them from study. Secondly, as teenagers, students need a lot of nutrition to grow healthily. Finally, having no breakfast will disturb their digestive system. As a result, it will do harm to their health. So for the sake of their health and study, they must have breakfast. In conclusion, breakfast is not only important to health, but it also does good to study. Students should have breakfast before going to school. 二、话题框架 - 列提纲 Step 1 : 陈述很多学生上学前不吃早餐的现象 . Step 2 : 陈述不吃早餐对学习和健康的影响 . Step 3 : 提出你的观点或建议 . 三、话题短语和亮点句型 - 加内容 A. 话题短语 1.quite a few students 相当多的学生 2.avoid eating junk food 避免吃垃圾食品 3.keep healthy 保持健康 4.have breakfast regularly 有规律地吃早餐 5.look energetic 看上去精力充沛 6.have a balanced diet 均衡饮食 7.get ill easily 很容易生病 8.have no appetit
第03章 健康与生活方式-2024年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练.docx