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2023年河南平顶山市中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年河南省平顶山市中考英语二模试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 One day a teacher went on a picnic with some of his students.While walking ( 1 ) ______ reached a village.This village was very big.The teacher was tired and he was very ( 2 ) ______ , so he said to one of his students , "We will stay here for some time in this ( 3 ) ______ .There is a pond (池塘) at some distance from here.Bring me water from there , please." When the student arrived at the pond , he saw the water in the pond was very dirty. ( 4 ) ______ some time ago an elephant crossed the pond and made the water become dirty. The student thought such dirty water was harmful to the teacher's health.So the student ( 5 ) ______ without taking water and told the whole thing about the dirty water of the pond to the teacher.Then this teacher sent another student to bring ( 6 ) ______ .After some time that student returned with water. The teacher ( 7 ) ______ this student if the water of the pond was dirty , then how did he bring this water ? The student said , "The water was ( 8 ) ______ dirty because an elephant crossed there some time ago.So I waited for a few more ( 9 ) ______ and then the soil in the water settled (沉淀) on the bottom and the water became clear.After that I ( 10 ) ______ water for you from that pond." The teacher was very happy to hear this and taught a ( n ) ( 11 ) ______ to all the students that our life is also like the water of this pond.Many times sadness or problems ( 12 ) ______ life , then the water in the form of life seems dirty.But after some wait and ( 13 ) ______ , these sadness and problems get buried (淹没) under and the good times come up. Some people get ( 14 ) ______ after seeing sadness and problems like the first student and come back after seeing trouble.Such people can ( 15 ) ______ move forward in life , on the other hand , some people who are patient wait that after some time the sadness and problems in the form of dirt will end and they become successful. 1 . A. he B. they C. she D. we 2 . A. thirsty B. hungry C. bored D. happy 3 . A. country B. city C. town D. village 4 . A. Though B. Whether C. Because D. Unless 5 . A. returned B. stayed C. stopped D. remained 6 . A. fruit B. food C. water D. soil 7 . A. advised B. told C. warned D. asked 8 . A. hardly B. really C. easily D. naturally 9 . A. minutes B. days C. weeks D. years 10 . A. drank B. cooked C. bought D. brought 11 . A. decision B. example C. lesson D. excuse 12 . A. come across B. come in C. come out D. come by 13 . A. trouble B. discussion C. attention D. patience 14 . A. excited B. afraid C. surprised D. moved 15 . A. never B. sometimes C. often D. always 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 20 分。 16 . Saving money can be really hard when you're a kid.It will be easier if you set a clear goal for yourself , make smart spending decisions and look for ways to make extra (额外的) money in your free time! Making a savings plan Set a clear goal for how much you want to spend.Saving your money will be a lot easier if you have a certain amount (数量) in mind.Setting a goal will help you stay on purpose , especially as you get closer to reaching that goal! Keep your money somewhere safe like a piggy bank. ( 1 ) ______ Spending less money ( 2 ) ______ Whenever you get money , whether it's the money you made , or a special gift you should put it into your savings as soon as possible. Find free things to do for fun. ( 3 ) ______ Instead of going to the movies or paying for snacks , try going to the park and playing flag football with your friends. Making more money It can be really hard to make money when you're a kid especially befo