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2023年甘肃定西市陇西县中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年甘肃省定西市陇西县中考英语二模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 20 小题,共 20 分。 1 . Liu Yang is ______ first woman astronaut in China. (  ) A.  a B.  an C.  the D. / 2 . Spring is coming.Many children like enjoying ______ in the park. (  ) A.  himself B.  herself C.  myself D.  themselves 3 . Because of the bad weather , the sports meeting has to be ______ . (  ) A.  put up B.  put on C. put off D. put out 4 . We can see the computer is ________ in the picture. (  ) A.  on the desk B.  on the chair C.  under the desk D.  under the chair 5 . Brain felt sad because his cookies ______ by a dog. (  ) A.  eat B.  ate C.  are eaten D.  were eaten 6 . I am pretty ______ about the news that my cousin is coming.Because I have not seen him for three years. (  ) A.  worried B.  excited C.  sure D.  serious 7 . He didn't do well in the math test ______ he had tried his best to learn math. (  ) A.  though B.  and C. so D.  unless 8 . - ______ will you come back from London , Jack ? -In two weeks.I'll bring a present for you , Mary. (  ) A.  How many B.  How soon C.  How often D.  How long 9 . - Who has eaten up the cake ? Is it Alan ? - It's impossible!He ______ eats sweets! (  ) A.  usually B.  never C.  always D.  often 10 . -Mary , here is your umbrella.I'm sorry I took it by mistake. - ______(  ) A.  Take your time. B.  Have a good time. C.  It doesn't matter. D.  My pleasure. 11 . -I won't go to Jim's birthday party unless he invites me. - ______ Because I don't know the time and the place. . (  ) A.  Me too. B.  I'm OK. C.  You're kidding. D.  Me neither. 12 . -I wonder ______ . -Nothing important.He wanted to know where John was. (  ) A. what Mr.Smith said B. where Mr.Smith was C. who was in the classroom D.  that Mr.Smith was looking for John 13 . -Let's see the movie Deep Sea. -Sorry , I ______ it once.Last weekend I went to the cinema with my father. (  ) A. saw B.  have seen C. was seeing D.  had seen 14 . - ______ -Not bad.I get along well with my new classmates. (  ) A.  How do you do ? B.  How is everything going ? C.  I'm looking forward to the vacation. D.  How do you like your new teacher ? 15 . What can we know from the notice below ? Club activities Opening time : 4 : 00 to 6 : 00 every afternoon Club members can choose anything they like One member can join in two activities Any questions , call us at 281-3069 (  ) A.  The club is open for two hours every day. B.  All the activities have been arranged C.  One club member must choose one activity D.  Send emails if members have questions 16 . -Do you know where Mr.Green is ? -He is working in the ______ .He is very busy treating the patients now. (  ) A.  hospital B.  library C.  museum D.  supermarket 17 . About ________ of the students in our class took part in the sports meeting last week.That means more than half of the students joined in the sports meeting. (  ) A.  one third B.  two fifths C.  three fifths D.  three eighths 18 . — I get up early every morning and then do some reading. —___________________ .It is a good habit.I should learn from you. (  ) A.  An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening B.  A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush C.  A bad beginning makes a bad ending D.  Business is business 19 . -I have got first place in the spoken English competition. - ______ I'm proud of you. (  ) A.  My pleasure! B.  Have a good day! C.  Well done! D.  Good luck! 20 . Which of the following signs will you probably see in a washroom ?(  ) A.   B.   C.   D.   二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 15 分。 It might be fun to use your smartphone (智能手机) .But be careful because too much screen time may be ( 1 ) ______ to your health. ( 2 ) ______ , it is bad for your eyes .A researcher called Sarah Hinkley says the problem come from the bl