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2023年吉林第二实验学校中考英语一模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年吉林省第二实验学校中考英语一模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 1 . Many people have realized that saving ____________ earth begins with small things. (  ) A. a B. an C. the D. \ 2 . Lucy's father works in No.1 Hospital. He is a _______ . (  ) A. teacher B. doctor C. postman D. policeman 3 . — Look!People outside are wearing thick coats. — The weather ________ be very cold. (  ) A. shouldn't B. must C. can't D. might 4 . Many colorful lights are hanging on the trees on ______ side of the street. (  ) A.  all B.  every C.  both D.  either 5 . The teacher is glad to see that Tony is ______ than before. (  ) A.  very careful B.  more careful C.  less careful D.  the most careful 6 . Lucy decides to ______ her pocket money to help the sick girl. (  ) A.  give out B.  give up C.  give away D.  give back 7 . ______ more , many farmers put their products online these days. (  ) A.  To sell B.  Sell C.  Selling D.  Sold 8 . - Do you need any help ? - No , thanks.We ______ a lot of support last week. (  ) A.  have offered B.  have been offered C.  were offered D.  will be offered 9 . Mum is sleeping.Don't wake her up ______ it's really necessary. (  ) A.  unless B.  as long as C.  because D.  when 10 . There ______ a lot of litter in the neighborhood in the past , but now it gels clean and tidy. (  ) A.  is B.  are C.  was D.  were 11 . _______ great fun it is to play the game! (  ) A. What B. What a C. How D. What an 12 . —________ is it from your home to the hospital ? — About 10 minutes' ride. (  ) A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon 13 . -Do you often go shopping in the store or on the Internet ? - ______ .I can buy anything without going out. (  ) A.  Yes , I do B.  No , I don't C.  In the store D.  On the Internet. 14 . 一 What did Lucy say to you just now , Mary ? 一 She wondered ______ . (  ) A.  what will I do this Sunday B.  who did I play volleyball with just now C.  if I was late for class this morning D.  if I can go shopping with her tonight 15 . -Through 5 G , people in two different cities can even" shake hands" on the same screen. - ______(  ) A.  What a mess! B.  Don't mention it. C.  So wonderful! D.  With pleasure. 二、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 It was a cold November morning several years ago.My alarm clock had just ( 1 ) ______ , but I was having trouble getting out of bed.My ( 2 ) ______ had died a few weeks before.I felt weighed down by ( 3 ) ______ and pain. My dad had worked so hard all of his life to ( 4 ) ______ us.He had a temper (坏脾气) and would sometimes shout at my brothers and me ,( 5 ) ______ I always knew that he loved me.Still , he had been raised in a ( 6 ) ______ way and raised us that way too.I couldn't remember , for example , ever being ( 7 ) ______ by him. Later , my mom and grandma passed away.My dad moved into grandma's home right up the road from where I lived.I was so ( 8 ) ______ to have him close by.I would often visit him and just talk with him about life.But we still ( 9 ) ______ touched and never hugged.Finally his own health began to rapidly fail and within a few months he ( 10 ) ______ us.It was a cold morning when we had his funeral (葬礼), but I was too cold and numb (麻木的) inside myself lo feel it.I couldn't remember ( 11 ) ______ we had our last hug. I sighed (叹气) and got out of my bed.I turned ( 12 ) ______ the lights and walked into the hallway.I saw my son Jack walking down the hall to meet me. ( 13 ) ______ , he opened his arms and gave me a heart-felt hug.And just as he did , I heard my dad's ( 14 ) ______ deep inside of me say , "Joey , this hug is from me!" I cried and ( 15 ) ______ at the same time.At that moment , in the place where heart , mind , and spirit all meet , I