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2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九上 Unit 2 词汇复测练习.docx

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2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九上 Unit 2 词汇复测练习.docx 第1页
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中考一轮复习 词汇 复测练习 牛津译林版英语九年级上册 U ni t 2 indigo ( 靛蓝色 ) : - 例句: The artist used indigo to create a deep, rich color in her painting. ( 艺术家使用靛蓝色在她的画作中创造了深沉而丰富的颜色。 ) - 完成句子: Her favorite color is __________, a shade between blue and violet. (indigo) - 相关表达: blue ( 蓝色 ) , purple ( 紫色 ) violet ( 紫色 ) : - 例句: The flowers in her garden bloomed in various shades of violet. ( 她花园里的花朵盛开着各种紫色的色调。 ) - 完成句子: She wore a beautiful dress in a soft shade of __________ to the party. (violet) - 相关表达: purple ( 紫色 ) , lavender ( 薰衣草色 ) rainbow ( 彩虹 ) : - 例句: After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. ( 雨后,天空出现了一道美丽的彩虹。 ) - 完成句子: The children were excited to see a double __________ after the storm. (rainbow) - 相关表达: multicolored ( 多彩的 ) , spectrum ( 光谱 ) mood ( 情绪 ) : - 例句: The rainy weather put her in a melancholy mood. ( 阴雨的天气使她情绪低落。 ) - 完成句子: His cheerful personality always lifts my __________. (mood) - 相关表达: emotion ( 情感 ) , state of mind ( 心境 ) influence ( 影响 ) : - 例句: Her parents' love for music had a significant influence on her career as a musician. ( 她父母对音乐的热爱对她作为音乐家的职业产生了重要影响。 ) - 完成句子: Peer pressure can have a powerful __________ on teenagers' behavior. (influence) - 相关表达: impact ( 影响 ) , affect ( 影响 ) whether ( 是否 ) : - 例句: I'm not sure whether I will attend the party or not. ( 我不确定我是否会参加派对。 ) - 完成句子: He is still undecided about __________ to pursue further education or start working. (whether) - 相关表达: if ( 是否 ) , regardless of ( 不管 ) characteristic ( 特点 ) : - 例句: One characteristic of her personality is her unwavering determination. ( 她个性的一个特点是她坚定不移的决心。 ) - 完成句子: Honesty is a __________ valued in many cultures. (characteristic) - 相关表达: trait ( 特质
2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九上 Unit 2 词汇复测练习.docx