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2023年北京朝阳区初三(第2次)模拟考试英语试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年北京市朝阳区初三(第 2 次)模拟考试英语试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 12 小题,共 12 分。 1 . — Is that your bike, Mike? — No. ______ is black. A. Mine B. His C. Hers D. Yours 2 . We plant trees in the park ______ spring every year. A. at B. to C. in D. on 3 . We should do everything to protect the earth, _______ we'll lose our home. A. and B. so C. or D. but 4 . — I can't find my dictionary. ______ I use yours? — Sure, here you are. A. Need B. May C. Must D. Should 5 . Paper cutting is one of ______ activities among teenagers. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 6 . — James, ______ have you been a member of the English club? — For about two years. A. how much B. how long C. how often D. how far 7 . My father is a tea lover. He often _______ tea after supper. A. drinks B. drank C. is drinking D. will drink 8 . I ______ you an email as soon as I receive the photos. A. send B. sent C. will send D. have sent 9 . I saw Lucy in the school hall. She ______ for her speech at that time. A. prepares B. will prepare C. is preparing D. was preparing 10 . Jack ______ more than 10 Chinese songs since he came to China. A. learns B. learned C. will learn D. has learned 11 . Today, China Daily   _______ by more and more students at school. A. read B. reads C. is read D. was read 12 . — Do you know ______ ? — At 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. A. when the parents' meeting will begin B. when will the parents' meeting begin C. when the parents' meeting began D. when did the parents' meeting begin 二、完形填空:本大题共 8 小题,共 12 分。 Claire had always been a perfectionist. No matter what she did, whether it was organizing her own birthday party or working on a science project, everything had to be done perfectly to the last detail ( 细节 ). If her work did not turn out well, she would get very   (13)    for days. When Claire heard about the singing   (14)    held by the community center, she was very excited to take part in it. Claire made up her mind to win the first prize. She had never come in second before in any of the competitions she joined. "It must be a   (15)    experience!" she thought. As usual, Claire made sure she was well-prepared. Not only did she spend a long time choosing a song, she also put in a lot of effort to sing each note correctly. At the beginning of her show, Claire was doing perfectly fine. However, when she got to the chorus( 副歌 ), for some reason, she could not.   (16)    a whole line of the words. Not knowing what to do, Claire just had to pass over that line.   (17)   . She was very disappointed in herself and nearly cried. "What a silly   (18)    I made!" she thought. In the prize-giving ceremony ( 仪式 ), when one of the judges announced that she had taken the second place, Claire couldn't help crying on stage. Claire's mother comforted her after the ceremony. She said, "It's perfectly all right to make mistakes. That's how we learn. "Claire had never thought of it that way. She dried her tears and agreed. "Maybe it is not that bad to   (19)   ," Back home, she placed the cup on the desk in her room. It would   (20)    her how mistakes could help her to learn and improve. 13 . A. excited B. bored C. upset D. serious 14 . A. competition B. club C. party D. team 15 . A. strange B. difficult C. wonderful D. common 16 . A. create B. remember C. explain D. understand 17 . A. completely B. correctly C. possibly D. pleasantly 18 . A. deal B. mistake C. promise D. plan 19 . A. ask B. sing C. try D. lose 20 . A. punish B. find C. offer D. remind 三、阅读理解:本大题共 10 小题,共 20 分。 A Fred had something important to tell his family. Everyone in his family was asked to sit at the dinner table and listen. "I'm going to take part in the Olympics." he said. "Can a fourth-grader do that?" asked Anna, his younger sister. "I'm not going now. I'll go when I'm a little older. "Fred