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专题03 阅读理解-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(1).docx

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专题03 阅读理解-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(1).docx 第1页
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2 02 2 年 体育 单招 英语 真题 阅读 理解 之 A 篇 I travel a lot in my work, and one of the things I dislike about this part of my job is eating alone. It always makes me feel lonely to see others laughing and talking. After having room service three nights in a row at a Wyndham H otel in Houston, I needed to get out. Although the restaurant opened at 6:30 , I arrived at 6:25. The maître (领班)met me and commented on “ my really being there e arly. ” I explained my dislike of e ating alone in restaurants. He then seated me at a lovely table and handed me the menu, “ You know, ” he said, “ People don ’ t usually start coming to our restaurant until after 7:00. I wondered if you ’ d mind if I sat down with you for a while. ” I was delighted ! He sat and talked with me about his hobbies. After about 15 m inutes, h e spotted some customers at the front desk and excused himself. I noticed that before he went to the front h e stopped in the kitchen for a moment. As my new friend went on to seat the arriving party, one of the waiters came out of the kitchen and over to my table. “ My station is way i n the back this evening. And I ’ m sure no one will be seated there for a while. ” He said, “ Do you mind if I sit down with you for a while ?” We had a wonderful chat. A ft er he left , out came one of the young busboys(收盘 工 ) . We h ad great fu n talking about his experiences . Before I left that night, even the chef had come out of the ki tchen and sat with me! When I asked for my check, they all came over in a big group to my table and presented me with a red rose and said, “ this w as a nicest night we ’ ve never had in our restaurant ”. And I cried ! What had begun as a lonely night ended as a beautiful e xperience — for both e mploye e s and customer. 31.Why did the author go to the restaurant before its opening time? A. She was very hungry. B. She didn ’ t
专题03 阅读理解-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(1).docx