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话题10 科技改变生活 - 2024年中考英语作文话题预测 (精选各地期末真题).docx

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话题10 科技改变生活 1.(2024上·陕西宝鸡·九年级统考期末)假如你是李华,你的外国好友Jack听说人工智能在中国人的日常生活中应用非常广泛,于是发来邮件询问。请你给他回一封邮件介绍人工智能在你的生活中的应用情况,并谈谈你对未来人工智能的运用对社会发展产生的影响。 要点提示: 1. 智能机器人给人们的日常生活提供了很多服务,使我们的生活更加便利; 2. 当你不开心或者心理压力大时,聊天机器人会给你提供建议,帮助你解决问题、减轻压力; 3. 随着科技的发展,很多工作可以由机器人来做;随之而来的是越来越多的人失业…… 参考词汇: artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能;AI robots人工智能机器人;chat robots聊天机器人;face recognition人脸识别 要求: 1. 须包含提示中的所有内容,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2. 语言流畅,逻辑清晰,书写规范,卷面整洁; 3. 70个词以上(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 4. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名校名。 Dear Jack, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 【答案】范文 Dear Jack, I hope this email finds you well. I am excited to share with you the widespread application of artificial intelligence in daily life in China. AI robots have changed our lives by providing many services, making our daily routines more convenient. Chat robots, in particular, offer advice and help alleviate stress when we are feeling down, aiding us in problem-solving. As technology continues to advance, many tasks that were once performed by humans can now be executed by robots. However, this shift has led to an increase in unemployment rates. I believe that the future application of AI will have a significant impact on social development, presenting both opportun
话题10 科技改变生活 - 2024年中考英语作文话题预测 (精选各地期末真题).docx