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专题03 阅读理解-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(4).docx

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专题03 阅读理解-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(4).docx 第1页
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2 0 2 2 年 体育 单招 英语 真题 阅读 理解 之 D 篇 Welcome to the San Francisco Mus e um of Moder n Art(SFMOMA).We have built a website(网站)that we hope you will find e asy to use , informative , and beautiful. As one of the world ’ s most famous museums of modern art, SFMOMA has had an active web presence for ten years. During this period we have redesigned our site twice, always with the idea that a museum such as ours should continually try to improve the ways in which it serves a variety of public. We hav e all become comfortable with the ide a that the physical museum space and the virtual(虚拟的)space of the internet go very well together. Like many who have spent time exploring the web, we also know that there are some programs that make more sense in physical space while others exist better in this extraordinary virtual world . We bring works from the white walls of our galleries(画廊)to online visitors throughout searchable online collection and the programs produced by our Interactive Educational Techno logies team. Our program Making Sense of Modem Art addresses many of the questio ns that we know are asked by visitors as they meet key artworks in SFMOMA ’ s collection. We hope you enjoy your online visit and look forward to welcoming you at the Museum as w ell. 43. SFMOMA is the short form of the name of _______________. A. a web site B. a computer program C . a virtual world D. a museum 答案: D 解析: 根据 第一段 Welcome to the San Francisco Museum of Mode rn Art(SFMOMA). We have built a website(网站)that we hope you will find easy to use, informative, and beautiful.可知答案为D 44.What can we lea rn about the museum? A. I t was built ten years ago. B. I ts a ddress has changed twice. C . It can be visited on the internet . D. I t is also called the physical space m useum . 答案: C 解析: 根据 文章最后 一 段 最后一句 We hope you enjoy your online visit and look forward to welcomi
专题03 阅读理解-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(4).docx