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2023年河南南阳市卧龙区中考英语一模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年河南省南阳市卧龙区中考英语一模试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 Tim was looking forward to this vacation.Then his parents told him his ( 1 ) ______ would be visiting Grandma in Nevada.Tim was unhappy ( 2 ) ______ he wanted to be with his friends this summer. "Grandma misses you and she wants to see you , " Mom said. "She can't wait to take you on a desert (沙漠) hike." The next morning , Grandma met them at the airport.After a long ( 3 ) ______ , they drove to the desert.As they hiked , Grandma ( 4 ) ______ that animals enjoy the open desert space , it ( 5 ) ______ them move from place to place freely.Tim learned that the animals find ways to adapt (适应) to the hot desert weather.He wondered if he could ( 6 ) ______ the desert climate. "Wow , " Tim said , "look at that!The turtle (乌龟) carries its ( 7 ) ______ on its back!" Grandma smiled at Tim's ( 8 ) ______ "In fact , " she said , "that is a desert tortoise.It looks for the shade made by the shadows (背光处) of rocks.That's ( 9 ) ______ it cools off.He digs holes underground to ( 10 ) ______ from the heat." The tortoise disappeared into its holes. ( 11 ) ______ a large rabbit jumped by.Grandma told Tim that the jack rabbit's large ( 12 ) ______ help it keep cool. "These animals are so ( 13 ) ______ the animals at home!" Tim said.He had forgotten about the desert heat. "Some animals stay cool by sleeping during the day.Then they hunt for food at nigh , " said Grandma.A great owl (猫头鹰) hooted (鸣叫) above them.Grandma said , "It will soon be time for the owl to hunt." "Which means it's time for ( 14 ) ______ to head back , " Dad added. "Aw , this vacation is going by too fast , " Tim said.They asked Tim about the heat. "What heat ? " Tim asked. "I feel as ( 15 ) ______ , and cool as a new flower.I've adapted!" Everyone laughed. 1 . A. friends B. parents C. family D. father 2 . A. if B. though C. because D. so 3 . A. walk B. ride C. drive D. flight 4 . A. explained B. expressed C. repeated D. discussed 5 . A. accepts B. allows C. affords D. agrees 6 . A. get used to B. look forward to C. get in touch with D. catch up with 7 . A. body B. home C. head D. bag 8 . A. excitement B. encouragement C. disappointment D. sadness 9 . A. why B. what C. when D. how 10 . A. put away B. get away C. take away D. give away 11 . A. At once B. Right away C. Just now D. Just then 12 . A. eyes B. ears C. head D. nose 13 . A. similar to B. different from C. close to D. far from 14 . A. him B. it C. them D. us 15 . A. beautiful B. colorful C. fresh D. clean 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 20 分。 16 . Should books always be kept in good condition ? People have been sharing their opinions online about the question. ( 1 ) ______ Do you use a bookmark to avoid folding (折叠) a page , do you try to store your books carefully on a shelf ? Or perhaps you pay less attention to their condition.You're happy to mark or take notes on a page.You take your stories with you wherever you go , even if that means they get a bit dog-eared (卷角的) and broken.Do you think they should always be kept in good condition ? Yes. ( 2 ) ______ It is important to care for your books.This is true if the book costs a lot of money or was given to you as a present , if you don't look after the book well , people might not buy them for you in the future.They also won't last as long if they are broken.If a book is full of dirty pages , or has a broken cover , it is less likely that a friend will want to pick it up and read it , so you won't be able to share your favourite stories.If you give it away to a second-hand shop , it is less likely that someone will buy it. ( 3 ) ______ If you broke novels that you've borrowed from the library or a friend , you might