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话题04 青少年健康与管理 - 2024年中考英语作文话题预测 (精选各地期末真题).docx

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话题04 青少年健康与管理 - 2024年中考英语作文话题预测 (精选各地期末真题).docx 第1页
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话题04 青少年健康与管理 1.(2024上·山东泰安·九年级统考期末)后疫情时代,生活中多出了一个关键词——“健康管理”。健康管理真正的价值在于自我管理,不同的人对于健康管理有不同的认知,有的人认为需要关注饮食,有的人认为需要关注作息,有的人认为需要关注环境,请根据导图内容提示写一篇英语短文,并且发表自己的看法。 要求: 1.书写认真规范,词数不少于80词,开头已给出不计入总词数; 2.短文必须包括所有要点提示,语句通顺,意思连贯,可适当发挥; 3.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。 After the COVID-19 pandemic, people pay more and more attention to their health. Everyone started to focus on health management. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】例文 After the COVID 19 pandemic, people pay more and more attention to their health. Everyone started to focus on health management. Different people have different ideas about health management. Some people think we need to pay attention to our eating health. They think it’s necessary to eat healthily. We should drink water or tea instead of cola or coffee when we are thirsty. The vegetables and fruit should take place of the junk food. Others hold different opinions, they regard rest health as the key point. They believe we are supposed to sleep at the regular time and exercise as much as we can. Staying up late and using the Internet are harmful to our health. Some people think environment health also plays an important role in our life. The environment has been polluted badly. We need to take this problem seriously. Everyone needs
话题04 青少年健康与管理 - 2024年中考英语作文话题预测 (精选各地期末真题).docx