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Module 4 Unit 1 -1 学历案-2023-2024学年外研版七年级英语上册.docx

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Module 4 Unit 1 -1 学历案-2023-2024学年外研版七年级英语上册.docx 第1页
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学历案设计模板 学习 主题 M4 Healthy food Unit1 We’ve got lots of apples. 课型 听说课 课时 1 设计者 课 标 要 求 1. 能运用基本的语言规律和逻辑规则分析、判别语言,有效地运用口头语言和书面语言与人交流沟通,准确、清晰、生动、有逻辑性地表达自己的认识; 2. 能运用批判性思维审视言语作品,探究和发现语言现象和文学现象,形成自己对语言和文学的认识; 3. 能自觉分析和反思自己的言语活动经验,提高语言运用的能力和思维的深刻性、灵活性、敏捷性、批判性、独创性。 学 习 目 标 1. 通过图片,学习巩固本单元单词,通过听力,进一步掌握本单元单词。 2. 通过听读短文对话 , 能够正确使用 have got 和 has got 3. 通过学习 healthy food 模块,能辨别健康的食物,从而养成健康的生活习惯。 评 估 任 务 1. 通过小听力完成目标 1 2. 通过听读对话, work in pairs,group work 完成目标 2 3. 通过听力中的任务一完成目标 3 评 估 标 准 1 .准确抄写、准确流利地读出。 2 .根据 have got 结构,关注信息及问题回答,正确选择。 3 .找到相应文本,准确作出回答。 学习重难点 重点 : 听懂关于谈论食物的对话 难点 : have got 句型的基本用法 学习过程 课前预习 Leading in 1. Ask the students if they are hungry. Tell them to look in their bags for something to eat. 2. Tell them to take it out and hold it up. Then say, “ He/She has a(n)...He/She’s got a(n)... ” Ask students to repeat it chorally. 1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and talk about them. 评价任务 评价标准 学习效果 通过问答句,复习食品词汇和句型。 准确抄写、准确流利地读出。 准确率: A:95%B:80%C:65%D: 65% 以下 课中学习 Warming up (1) Ask the students to brainstorm as many types of food and drink as they know in English. (2) Write “ food ” and “ drink ” on the board. food drink (3) Use some pictures (or real food) to teach the words they don’t know. Ask them to repeat the words chorally and individually. (4) Have the students write the labels for the types of food 1-4 from the box ( Activity 2 on Page 20 ) . candy fruit meat vegetables Answers: 1 fruit 2 candy 3 meat 4 vegetables (5) Ask the students to label the food and drink in the pictures with the words fro
Module 4 Unit 1 -1 学历案-2023-2024学年外研版七年级英语上册.docx