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第09章 情感与态度-2024年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练.docx

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第09章 情感与态度-2024年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练.docx 第1页
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2024 年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练 第九章 情感与态度 情感类的作文 , 大多围绕责任、同情、关爱、感恩、诚实、幸福、挫折等话题展开 . 情感态度 , 往往通过叙事、写人和写物得以呈现 , 即以事寄情、以人寄情和以物寄情等 . 在写此类作文时 , 首先要明确文章所涉及的情感话题 , 然后再表达自己的体会或看法 , 最后进行总结升华 . 在谈看法和体会时 , 一般可以说说这一情感态度的重要性、价值和意义 , 进而谈谈如何落实这一情感态度、怎样达成这一情感目标等等 . 写作时需注意 , 文章所传达的态度应是积极向上的 . 话题一 责任 一、话题解读 - 审主题 对责任的理解通常可以分为两个层面 . 一是个人对自己、家庭、社会应该做的事、应该尽的责任 ; 二是个人没有做好分内之事而应承担的责任或不利后果 . 责任感是每个人必备的品格 , 它既包括对自己的责任 , 也包括对他人、对社会的责任 . 对中学生而言 , 努力学习、追求上进就是对自己负责的表现 ; 规范自己的言行 , 遵守社会公约 , 就是对他人和社会负责的表现 . 范文欣赏 Everyone in the world plays a different role, and each role bears different responsibilities. As students, we should take our own responsibilities, too. Firstly, studying is our most important task. We should study hard and constantly to achieve better academic performance. We also need to have a clear plan for our future and do not let parents worry too much about us. Secondly, as a member of the family, we should support and love our family members. At home, we should respect our parents and do some housework to ease our parents' burden. At the same ti m e, we can also teach our parents how to use modern electronic devices, such as the laptop and the smartphone. As a member of the society, we also have to bear the responsibility of citizenship. We should obey laws and regulations and follow the public rules. We should protect the environment and not litter the streets. As long as each of us does our best to do everything and takes our responsibilities, our society will be full of love and warmth everywhere. Our life will be more b e autiful. 二、话题框架 - 列提纲 Step 1 :
第09章 情感与态度-2024年初中英语中考话题作文高分训练.docx