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2023年山西阳泉市中考英语模拟试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年山西省阳泉市中考英语模拟试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 8 小题,共 8 分。 I had never expected such an answer from my son. It was my son's first day in primary school , and he was telling me all about his new friends and teachers.He seemed really ( 1 ) ______ .While I was listening , I was having a hard time thinking of questions to ask him about his new ( 2 ) ______ . In America , there are many people from different places and countries that live here.So I decided to ask him about those people.He loved geography , and if he heard someone.Who spoke ( 3 ) ______ , he would ask them where.they were from.It was embarrassing for me.I thought it was ( 4 ) ______ of him to.do that and he : didn't realize it.But the people would always smile and tell him ( 5 ) ______ they came from.After that , he would asked me to take him to the library so that he could. ( 6 ) ______ those places.I would always do it , giving him knowledge he needed.He would even tell me fun facts and things that I didn't know about.He was familiar (熟悉的) with the word "foreigner" , even though he had no idea what it ( 7 ) ______ . I asked , "So , David , are there any ( 8 ) ______ at your school ? " He looked at me with a smile and said , "No , Daddy.Just kids." 1 . A. bored B. excited C. sad 2 . A. plan B. hobby C. school 3 . A. differently B. loudly C. quickly 4 . A. friendly B. impolite C. helpful 5 . A. where B. how C. why 6 . A. look after B. turn down C. learn about 7 . A. included B. meant C. hid 8 . A. tourists B. volunteers C. foreigner 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 15 分。 9 . ( Three students are talking about the coming vacation. ) Friends ( 3 persons ) Hey , guys!I'm excited about the coming vacation. Me , too.We won't have any homework. So we have more free time. ( 1 ) ______ Well , I will visit my grandparents in Datong. ( 2 ) ______ Will you visit Yungang Grottoes (云冈石窟)? Of course I will. ( 3 ) ______ Lucky you!I hope to go there one day. ( 4 ) ______ Well , I'd love to.But I must ask my parents first. ( 5 ) ______ .If my parents agree , I'll go with you , too. OK.I can't wait for the vacation! A.Sounds cool! B.See you then! C.Thanks for asking. D.When are you going there ? E.Would you like to go with me ? F.I won't miss the valuable treasure. G.What will you do during the vacation ? (1) (2) (3) 10 . Are you hoping to get an A for your last test or exam , but your study habits get in the way ? Well , I can show you a way to work smarter. ( 1 ) ______ Then let's get started. Do one task at a time Our brains can't deal with everything at once. ( 2 ) ______ When you do more tasks , your brain is actually trying its hardest to change rapidly between tasks.If you listen to music while doing your homework , you have to spend more time on it. Sleep well , learn well We all know a good night's sleep makes you feel fresh the next day.It also improves your memory.How can you make sure you sleep well ?( 3 ) ______ And remember not to drink tea or coffee before going to bed. Test yourself The process of actively recalling information helps deeper learning take place.So we learn much better by exam practice. ( 4 ) ______ When you read through a textbook , you can simply try to recall the key points of each unit you have finished. You've read about the study habits that are helpful to improve your grades.But nothing is going to change if you don't take action. ( 5 ) ______ Make it part of your daily routine (日常生活) .After a week , pick another one and put it into practice. A.So we should just do one task at a time. B.So start tomorrow with just one new study habit. C.You should know why you want to study hard. D.To test yourself , you don't have to wait until exam time. E.The best way is to go to bed at the same time each night. F.All you ha