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2023年天津河北区中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年天津市河北区中考英语二模试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 1 . Wang Yaping is _______ astronaut.In 2013 , she became ________ second Chinese woman to travel to space. (  ) A. an ; a B. an ; the C. the ; a D. the ; an 2 . My grandfather enjoys looking through _______ old photos.These photos bring ________ happiness once more. (  ) A. his ; him B. his ; his C. him ; his D. him ; him 3 . The cooking apps offer useful ________ that we can follow step by step. (  ) A. decisions B. medicines C. traditions D. instructions 4 . If you go running , you will feel _______ than ever before. (  ) A. the healthiest B. healthiest C. healthier D. happily 5 . It's necessary for us to learn how to spend our pocket money _______ . (  ) A. rapidly B. naturally C. strangely D. wisely   6 . Hand washing with soap can reduce illness.It's one of the easiest ways to ________ illness. (  ) A.  accept B.  support C.  control D.  regret 7 . My favourite film is Star Wars.The main idea of the film is a war ________ good and bad people. (  ) A. under B. between C. across D. past 8 . We _______ do eye exercises twice a day to take good care of our eyes. (  ) A. should B. might C. needn't D. mustn't 9 . The first International Tea Day was on May 21st , 2020.Since then , people _______ it every year. (  ) A. celebrated B. will celebrate C. have celebrated D. are celebrating 10 . David has painted his room blue ________ the colour brings peace to his mind and body (  ) A.  although B.  because C.  before D.  if 11 . We usually spend several days cooking and ________ the Spring Festival. (  ) A. getting ready for B. taking pride in C. keeping clear of D. taking care of 12 . The problem _______ about at the meeting tomorrow. (  ) A. is talking B. is talked C. is going to talk D. will be talked 13 . The book is a gift from your mum for my birthday , so you must promise _______ good care of it. (  ) A. taking B. to take C. took D. take 14 . — Do you know _______? — Sure.For two years. (  ) A. how has Betty become a volunteer B. how Betty has become a volunteer C. how long has Betty been a volunteer D. how long Betty has been a volunteer 15 . — You look tired , Lucy. ________? — I missed the school bus so I had to run to school this morning. (  ) A. What happened B. Are you joking C. What else D. Guess what 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 There is a teacher , who always teaches in some unusual ways.One day , she asked her students what they thought of ( 1 ) ______ and she got the usual answer , "We hate them." The teacher decided to play a ( 2 ) ______ with her students.She divided the class into two groups and asked them to play chess with her.When it came to her turn , she didn't ( 3 ) ______ the rules and won the game easily. "Hey , you can't do that , "the kids shouted. "Why not ? " the teacher asked. " ( 4 ) ______ it's against the rules , "said the kids. "What does it matter ? " the teacher asked. "It isn't ( 5 ) ______ , " they replied. "You're acting in a dishonest way to win the game." Then the teacher asked them to design (设计) a game without any rules.It was not long before the kids called to her , "Teacher , we can't do it.It's ( 6 ) ______ to play without rules." The teacher then began to ask them why there are rules in school , on the football field , on the roads , or at home.Her students thought of many ( 7 ) ______ .They said , "Things work ( 8 ) ______ when we have rules.If we didn't have rules at a crossing , how would we be able to walk across the road safely ? In fact , everyone could be in a lot of ( 9 ) ______ without rules.Rules help people get along better together.Rules are ( 10 ) ______ for our safety and happiness." 16 . A. studies B. rules C. trips