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专题02 完形填空-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(2).docx

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专题02 完形填空-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(2).docx 第1页
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20 1 2 年 完形填空 Ten years ago, Ilene received an invitation to a New Year ’ s party from somebody that she didn ’ t know very well . She didn ’ t really want to go by herself, (21) she asked he r friend Diana to go with her. It was a cold, snowy night and when it wa s time to leave for the party, all Ilene wanted to do was (22) home and watch TV. Diana persuaded her to change her (23) . Howeve r, after they had driven all the way across town , Ilene (24) that she had left the invitation at home . I lene thought she could remember the (25) . They found the right street, but Ilene wasn ’ t sure about the number, so they drove around until they came to a house where there was a part y (2 6 ) on. They d ecided this was the right place . They did n ’ t (27) anybody there and Ilene wanted to leave right away. However, Diana persuaded her to stay . Feeling very (2 8 ) , Ilene stood in a corner by herself, watching, Diana have a goo d time . After about an hour, she (2 9 ) to go home . As she was leaving, she slipped(滑)and fell down some icy steps outside the house. ( 30 ) just at that moment, somebody was coming up the steps on his way to the part y and he caught her in h is arms . And that ’ s how Ilene met her husband. Ilene an d Jeff have now been together for ten years, and they are still amazed at the way they met. 21 . A. but B . or C . for D . so 2 2 . A . stay B . come C . call D . hurry 23 . A . promise B . ti me C . mind D . c hoice 24 . A . agreed B . worried C . realized D . explained 25 . A . distance B . door C . name D . a ddress 26 . A . run ning
专题02 完形填空-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编(2).docx