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专题05 书面表达-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编.docx

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专题05 书面表达-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编.docx 第1页
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2011 年 书面表达 假设你是李明 . 你校将举行一场师生篮球比赛。请你根据以下信息 给你的美 国 老师Sam写一封邮件,邀请他参赛。内容要点如下: l. 参赛者及观众:本校师生; 2. 时间: 3月20日 (星期日)上午9 点: 3. 地点校操场; 4. 特点:每年春季举行,深受师生喜爱; 5. 注意事项:提前半小时热身 . 若下雨将推迟比赛。 注意:字数应为100字左右。 Dear Sam, There comes the basketball match between the students and teacher s at 9 o'clock Sunday morning, March 20. You're invited to be a member of the teachers' team. As you know , the match is held in our school every spring. Many students and teachers will come to cheer up. They enjoy the match very much, so they ’ re looking fo rward to it now. Please come to the play ground half an hour earlier so that we can have time to warm up o urselves. If it rains that morning, I ’ ll let you know when the match will be then. Best wishes, Y ours LI Hua 2012 年 书面表达 假设你是李华,在澳大利亚旅游期间,有幸结识了一名叫Roger的网球(tennis)明星。回国后,你给 他写一封信,主要内容下: 1.表达对他的仰慕之情; 2.感谢他与你合影并送你的意见T恤衫; 3.邀请他到北京 来做客。 Dear Roger , It's fortunat e for me to know you in Australia when I t raveled there. You are a famous tennis star and I admire you very much. Though we have parted, I still remember the pleasan t day when I met you. Well-known as you are, you are so frie ndly and easy to get along. I a m still grateful to you for your taking ph otos with me and even giving me a T-shirt, which I will treasure forever . If you have time, I would like you to come to Bei jing and I will be your guild and show you around Beijing. B est wishes! Y ours Li Hua 2013 年 书面表达 假如你是李华,你的朋友Thomas将到北京 旅游,回信告知你为他所做的安
专题05 书面表达-2011-2022年全国高校体育单招英语真题分类汇编.docx