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2023年人教版中考英语语法复习之宾语从句检测题.docx 第1页
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宾语 从句 冲刺 检测 卷 中考总复习 单项选择 。 ---Could you please tell me __________? ---Next Thursday morning. A. when we visited the Capital Museum B. when did we visit the Capital Museum C. when we will visit the Capital Museum D. when will we visit the Capital Museum ---Could you tell me __________ “ the Father of Rice ” ? ---Because he helped many countries grow more rice. A. when was Yuan Longping called B. why is Yuan Longping called C. when Yuan Longping was called D. why Yuan Longping is called ---I ’ m excited about Huawei ’ s new smartphones. Do you know __________? ---Next month. A. how can I get one B. when will they come out C. how I can get one D. when they will come out ---Dear friends, do you know __________? ---By working together! A. when we can make the Chinese Dream come true B. when can we make the Chinese Dream come true C. how we can make the Chinese Dream come ture D. how can we make the Chinese Dream come true ---I wondered __________. A. which way was the wind blowing B. which one is the most convenient C. which of the houses did you live in D. which school it was you went to ---Could you tell me __________ for the fruit? ---By paying over the Internet. A. how much will I pay B. how much I will pay C. how will I pay D. how I will pay ---Tom, I went to the party yesterday evening. ---Oh, I want to know __________ at the party A. who do you meet B. who you meet C. who did you meet D. who you met ---Do you know __________ Ann goes to work every day? ---Usually by underground. A. why B. how C. when D. whether ---Do you know __________ at the Olympics? ---Yes. In 1936. A. when basketball became an event B. when basketball becomes an event C. when did basketball become an event D. when does basketball become an event ---Have you decided __________ the Expo 2019 Beijing? ---This summer holiday. A. how are you going to B. how you are going to C. when are you going to D. when you are going to 11. ---I wonder