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2023年北京石景山区初三(第1次)模拟考试英语试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年北京市石景山区初三(第 1 次)模拟考试英语试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 12 小题,共 6 分。 1 . — Mom's birthday is coming. Do you have any plans? — Sure. I'll give ______ a big surprise. A. her B. me C. him D. it 2 . — It'll be sunny tomorrow. Why don't we go for a trip ______ bike? — Good idea! A. at B. by C. of D. in 3 . Judy really has a gift for Chinese, ______ she still works hard on it. A. so B. because C. but D. or 4 . —______ is Beijing Daxing International Airport from here? — It's quite near, about 3 kilometers. A. How far B. How often C. How much D. How soon 5 . I ______ see the words on the blackboard clearly. I need to move closer. A. needn't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. can't 6 . John ______ the word game every time we play. A. won B. wins C. was winning D. is winning 7 . Gary is ______ singer in our class. No one else sings so well. A. good B. better C. best D. the best 8 . How time flies! We ______ traditional Chinese medicine here for two years. A. study B. studied C. have studied D. will study 9 . Our school ______ a big sports field near the library next term. A. will build B. builds C. built D. has built 10 . Luckily, Tom's lost dog ______ on the street corner yesterday. A. find B. found C. is found D. was found 11 . At this time yesterday, I ______ the Capital Museum with my friend. A. visit B. was visiting C. is visiting D. visited 12 . — Do you know ______ ? I think we're lost. — I'm not sure either. Let's ask the policeman over there. A. what the supermarket is B. what is the supermarket C. where the supermarket is D. where is the supermarket 二、完形填空:本大题共 8 小题,共 8 分。     In eighth grade, I had a friend, Peter. He was an amazing sports star. Unluckily, I never seemed to be any good at sports. But Peter was my best friend, and when he joined a team, I did, too. Or at least I    (13)   .     Peter was a starter for the JV field hockey team. He was a natural, so he picked up the sport    (14)   . I, on the other hand, couldn't seem to hold the stick comfortably. Then Peter spent more and more time with the other boys like him and I was beginning to be left behind.     Deciding to    (15)    our friendship, I asked my mom to buy me my own hockey stick so I could practise at home. Peter looked at my    (16)   , and I could tell that he was thinking it was a waste of money.     I was    (17)    by his reaction( 反应 ), and again I felt the distance( 距离 ) between us. If I was going to keep Peter as a friend, I thought, I simply had to be good at this sport. Somehow, I had to learn how to throw and catch the ball and be    (18)    on the playing field.     So I practised and practised. I often felt like there was no hope, but I kept at it.     Then, one day, something happened. I    (19)    off with Steve, who had become my partner since Peter had quickly proven to be too good to play with me. That day, when Steve sent me his first throw, I caught it. Then I caught his next throw, and the next. The stick was actually feeling good in my hands.     I still don't know what exactly happened that day, but I will always be thankful for it. By the end of the season, I was    (20)    for the JV team. I scored 12 goals that year. My success on the field gave me confidence that I really needed. And Steve turned out to be a great friend. 13 . A. cheered B. tried C. proved D. checked 14 . A. suddenly B. secretly C. quickly D. generally 15 . A. save B. awake C. change D. remember 16 . A. ball B. hat C. stick D. glove 17 . A. cheated B. moved C. lit D. hurt 18 . A. predictable B. respectable C. affordable D. understandable 19 . A. paired B. took C. went D. showed 20 . A. paying B. looking C. calling D. starting 三、阅读理解:本大题共 10 小题,共 20 分。 A Pyramid Surprise          Nellie and I were born only a few days apart, so every year we plan a birthday party together. This year, our birthday theme was