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2023年内蒙古包头市中考英语模拟试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年内蒙古包头市中考英语模拟试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分。 Levi Felix has started a new kind of summer camp in California called Camp Ground. ( 1 ) ______ it's only three days long , campers can get away from their daily life.Swimming , hiking , and enjoying nature are their best ( 2 ) ______ .Most of all , campers can communicate with each other face to face.But what's ( 3 ) ______ about this camp ? It's only for adults.And there's one important rule : Campers mustn't use ( 4 ) ______ to communicate when they are there. Many adults say that when they are on ( 5 ) ______ , they aren't able to stay away from their phones and often ( 6 ) ______ their e- mails or short messages.Even when out in nature , they may not take the time to ( 7 ) ______ a beautiful mountain before taking out their smart phones to take pictures. Levi Felix wants people to have a face- to- face communication instead of ( 8 ) ______ their phones.At the camp , campers are not allowed to talk about their stressful work.They are not ( 9 ) ______ allowed to use their real names.Felix hopes that campers can ( 10 ) ______ know each other and make more friends through the 3-day camp. Why do people have to go camping to do this ? Why not just stay at home for the weekend without phones ? Many people say that they can 't ( 11 ) ______ themselves when they are at home.They just can't ignore (忽视) the phone every time when it ( 12 ) ______ . Felix is not ( 13 ) ______ technology , but he thinks technology shouldn't control us.We don't have to ( 14 ) ______ our phones , but we need more balance in our lives. Taking a ( 15 ) ______ from technology is a real way to relax. 1 . A. Though B. Until C. When 2 . A. choices B. degrees C. results 3 . A. natural B. useful C. special 4 . A. letters B. phones C. books 5 . A. business B. vacation C. duty 6 . A. support B. divide C. check 7 . A. admire B. describe C. collect 8 . A. using B. protecting C. locking 9 . A. just B. still C. even 10 . A. seldom B. gradually C. mainly 11 . A. order B. read C. control 12 . A. rings B. wakes C. talks 13 . A. for B. against C. through 14 . A. give up B. set up C. use up 15 . A. walk B. note C. break 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 15 分。 16 . A : You look excited! ( 1 ) ______ B : I just came back from a rock festival. A :( 2 ) ______ B : It was amazing!My favorite rock band was there too.Will you come with me next time ? A : Uh , no thanks. ( 3 ) ______ It's too noisy for me. B : Alright. ( 4 ) ______ A : I prefer classical music.It relaxes me and makes me feel peaceful. B : It's true!Music can influence our mood. A :( 5 ) ______ Just like whenever I hear Erquan Yingyue , I feel sad. A.I'd love to. B.Yes , I agree. C.Thanks a lot. D.How was it ? E.What happened ? F.I'm not crazy about rock music. G.What kind of music do you prefer ? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 17 . A : Hi Sam.I had a nice time during the Qingming Festival. ( 1 ) ______ ? B : Great!I visited my grandparents in the village , and it was so much fun. A : Sounds nice! ( 2 ) ______ ? B : Sunny and warm.It was really a good time to take a spring outing. A :( 3 ) ______ ? B : We swept our ancestors' tombs in the morning and then had a picnic in the park.I also did some chores for my grandparents. A : So meaningful! ( 4 ) ______ ? B : I visit them once a month.Too busy with my study recently.But I think I should go back to see them more often. A : You are so kind and caring. B :( 5 ) ______ . A : You are welcome. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 三、阅读理解:本大题共 15 小题,共 30 分。 A Children's Games in Ancient China During ancient times , children didn't have a smart phone , iPad or computer to have fun.Instead , they came up with some interesting games to play in t