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2023年山西吕梁市兴县中考英语二模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年山西省吕梁市兴县中考英语二模试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 8 小题,共 8 分。 The first live class was given by Shenzhou- 13 crew members , Zhai Zhigang , Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu , from 400 kilometers above the earth in China's space station.It was to over 60 million ( 1 ) ______ across China. In the beginning , Wang Yaping gave a ( 2 ) ______ of Tianhe space station herself starting with sleeping rooms , then moving on to exercise areas , and finally arriving at the dining hall.She showed them the microwave , mini-fridge , and water machine in the space kitchen.She said their drinking water was recycled , and there was no difference in taste between regular and recycled water.With a water recycling system , every drop of water was made ( 3 ) ______ use of in the space station , for water there was quite valuable. After that , the team gave an interesting ( 4 ) ______ lesson.In a series of water-related experiments , Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu showed the students how water acts ( 5 ) ______ in space because of the loss of gravity.Wang Yaping ( 6 ) ______ a table tennis ball in a glass of water.Instead of floating to the surface like on the earth , the ball remained in the middle of the water. "If you are interested , you can later search for some information and think about the ( 7 ) ______ .The secrets of space and science are boundless (无边界的) .It's a good chance for you to learn physics." Wang Yaping said to the students. At the ( 8 ) ______ of the 60-minute class , the three astronauts answered students' real-time questions and ended the class with their best wishes. 1 . A. students B. astronauts C. scientists 2 . A. tour B. result C. report 3 . A. small B. full C. interesting 4 . A. science B. art C. maths 5 . A. actively B. similarly C. differently 6 . A. saw B. hit C. put 7 . A. questions B. reasons C. balls 8 . A. beginning B. end C. middle 二、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 2 小题,共 15 分。 9 . My best friends ( 3 persons ) A : Hi , guys! ( 1 ) ______ B : Yes , of course.Math is my favorite subject. C : It's useful but difficult for me. A : In fact , I wasn't interested in math before. ( 2 ) ______ B : @ Monica What did you do in the math festival ? A : Many fun activities , such as speeches and performances about the knowledge of math. C : Sounds interesting! ( 3 ) ______ A : Yes!Especially on the third day , the senior students made rocket models with plastic bottles and flew them on the playground. B : So cool! ( 4 ) ______ A : @Sam The most successful one flew as high as the second floor of the teaching building! C : Amazing! ( 5 ) ______ B : Great!I believe you can do it! @ Emma A.Do you love math ? B.How high could they fly ? C.What's your favorite subject ? D.You must have a great time! E.The math festival is on March 14. F.But I began to love it after the math festival. G.I'll try to learn math well and make my own model. (1) (2) (3) 10 . 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。 Making your school a better place will make everyone around you happier and will get you more excited to go every day. ( 1 ) ______ The following are some of the ways to make your school a better place. ◆( 2 ) ______ Do not stay silent when you see another student getting hurt by others.Speak up confidently and tell them to stop.This will help create a better atmosphere (气氛) at school. ◆ Try to deal with arguments between other kids.When you see other students are in an argument , you can help deal with the problem. ( 3 ) ______ After all , many arguments in school are just misunderstandings between two people. ◆( 4 ) ______ If you know that other students have difficulty learning a subject that you're good at , you can help them by teaching them in that subject.Helping other stu