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2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九年级上册 Unit 4 词汇复测练习.docx

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2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九年级上册 Unit 4 词汇复测练习.docx 第1页
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中考一轮复习 词汇 复测练习 牛津译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 4 on one's mind ( 心里想着的 ) : - 例句: She had a lot on her mind and couldn't concentrate on her studies. ( 她有很多事情在心里,无法集中精力学习。 ) - 完成句子: I can't focus on the movie because I have too much __________. (on my mind) - 相关表达: preoccupying ( 心神不宁的 ) , bothering ( 困扰的 ) time ( 时期 / 时代 ) : - 例句: The Renaissance was a period of great cultural and artistic achievements. ( 文艺复兴是一个伟大的文化和艺术成就的时期。 ) - 完成句子: The Industrial Revolution took place during the __________. (time) - 相关表达: era ( 时代 ) , age ( 时期 ) whenever ( 无论何时 ) : - 例句: You can come to my house whenever you have free time. ( 你无论何时有空都可以来我家。 ) - 完成句子: Feel free to ask me any questions __________ you need help. (whenever) - 相关表达: anytime ( 任何时候 ) , at any time ( 在任何时候 ) through ( 凭借 ) : - 例句: She succeeded through hard work and determination. ( 她凭借努力和决心取得了成功。 ) - 完成句子: You can achieve your goals __________ perseverance and dedication. (through) - 相关表达: by means of ( 借助于 ) , by means of ( 凭借 ) as soon as ( 一 ... 就 ...) : - 例句: I'll start my homework as soon as I finish eating dinner. ( 我一吃完晚饭就会开始做作业。 ) - 完成句子: Please let me know __________ you arrive at the airport. (as soon as) - 相关表达: once ( 一旦 ) , immediately ( 立刻 ) a great deal of ( 大量的 ) : - 例句: He has a great deal of experience in the field of engineering. ( 他在工程领域有丰富的经验。 ) - 完成句子: She has __________ knowledge about astronomy. (a great deal of) - 相关表达: plenty of ( 大量的 ) , a lot of ( 很多的 ) junior high ( 初中 ) : - 例句: After elementary school, students usually go to junior high before entering high school. ( 小学毕业后,学生通常会去初中,然后进入高中。 ) - 完成句子: I have many fond memories of my __________ years. (junior high) - 相关表达: middle school
2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九年级上册 Unit 4 词汇复测练习.docx