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2024年牛津上海版中考英语一轮复习九年级上册 Unit 4 词汇复测练习 .docx

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2024年牛津上海版中考英语一轮复习九年级上册 Unit 4 词汇复测练习 .docx 第1页
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中考一轮复习 词汇 复测练习 牛津上海版英语九年级第一学期 U nit 4 Computers screen ( 屏幕 ) : - 例句: He stared at the screen of his laptop, engrossed in his work. ( 他盯着笔记本电脑的屏幕,专心致志地工作着。 ) - 完成句子: The movie was projected onto a large ________ for everyone to see. (screen) - 相关表达: display ( 显示屏 ) , monitor ( 监视器 ) recognize ( 认出 ) : - 例句: She couldn't recognize him in the disguise. ( 她无法认出他在伪装中。 ) - 完成句子: He was shocked when he ________ his childhood friend after so many years. (recognize) - 相关表达: identify ( 辨认 ) , distinguish ( 区分 ) desktop ( 台式电脑 ) : - 例句: He prefers using a desktop computer for his graphic design work. ( 他更喜欢用台式电脑进行图形设计工作。 ) - 完成句子: I find it more comfortable to work on a ________ than a laptop. (desktop) - 相关表达: PC ( 个人电脑 ) , tower ( 塔式机 ) laptop ( 笔记本电脑 ) : - 例句: She always carries her laptop with her when she travels for work. ( 她出差时总是随身携带笔记本电脑。 ) - 完成句子: I need to buy a new ________ because my old one stopped working. (laptop) - 相关表达: notebook ( 便携式电脑 ) , portable computer ( 便携式计算机 ) palmtop ( 掌上电脑 ) : - 例句: The palmtop device allowed him to check his emails and browse the internet on the go. ( 掌上电脑设备使他能够在移动中查看电子邮件和浏览互联网。 ) - 完成句子: The ________ was small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. (palmtop) - 相关表达: handheld computer ( 手持电脑 ) , personal digital assistant ( 个人数字助理 ) tiny ( 微小的 ) : - 例句: The tiny kitten curled up in a corner of the room. ( 小小的小猫蜷缩在房间的一个角落里。 ) - 完成句子: The jewelry box was so ________ that it could easily be misplaced. (tiny) - 相关表达: minuscule ( 极小的 ) , petite ( 娇小的 ) unaware ( 不知道的 ) : - 例句: She was unaware of the changes that had taken place while she was away. ( 她不知道她离开期间发生的变化。 ) - 完成句子: He remained ________ of the
2024年牛津上海版中考英语一轮复习九年级上册 Unit 4 词汇复测练习 .docx