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2021 年河北省中考英语试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 1 . I eat rice ​​​​​​​           beef and potatoes.It's delicious. A. in B. on C. with D. for 2 . This isn't my dictionary.               is over there, on the desk. A. His B. Mine C. Hers D. Yours 3 . Please be polite and ​​​​​​​            offer your seat to people who need it. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always 4 . I love to listen to rock music ​​​​​​​          I am running. A. while B. after C. since D. until 5 . I saw Bob in the garden. He ______ flowers there. A. waters B. has watered C. is watering D. was watering 6 . You can borrow this film — surely you ______ watching it. A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. will enjoy D. have enjoyed 7 . The trip _______ really exciting to me.How I wish to go! A. sounds B. smells C. tastes D. feels 8 . — What is the world's______ mountain? — Mount Qomolangma. A. lower B. lowest C. higher D. highest 9 . These gifts ______ by children in their last summer holidays. A. made B. were made C. make D. are made 10 . William ​​​​​​​               six books, and all of them are bestsellers. A. will write B. is writing C. has written D. was writing 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。     Every school has rules for students to follow. However, some students may see the    (11)    as a way which teachers control them. Sometimes, they're unhappy and even feel    (12)   . Well, if you think your life is hard, you might think about the    (13)    in ancient times. For some of them, life was really hard.     In the old days, people believed that teachers had to be very    (14)    and had the right to punish the students. Parents didn't mind if teachers punished their children when their children didn't do what they were    (15)    to do. Often, the stricter a teacher was, the more parents thought he or she was a good teacher.     In fact, following school rules can be very important. For example, running in the hallways could cause a student to    (16)   . It may hurt himself or another person. Following the rules can also help the students in the classroom to learn    (17)    difficulty. In class, a teacher may ask students to raise their hands    (18)    they speak. If someone speaks out of turn, other students might not be able to hear the teacher    (19)   . School rules can help students prepare for their own futures as well. When they    (20)    and go out on their own, they'll soon find that they still need to follow rules.     Rules make the world much better. If there are no rules, life will be meaningless and in disorder. 11 . A. rules B. excuses C. facts D. examples 12 . A. tired B. angry C. excited D. good 13 . A. doctors B. parents C. teachers D. students 14 . A. kind B. clever C. strict D. careful 15 . A. told B. heard C. invited D. watched 16 . A. come out B. fall down 17 . A. about B. from C. except D. without 18 . A. because B. though C. before D. unless 19 . A. clearly B. luckily C. quickly D. politely 20 . A. hurry up B. look up C. grow up D. dress up 三、阅读理解:本大题共 15 小题,共 30 分。 A     10-year-old Mike is being interviewed on TV about his own cooking.     Mike, when did you start cooking?     When I was four, I became interested in cooking. I stared helping my mum in the kitchen when I was five. At the age of six, I could make vegetable salad. One year later, I could make a fruit pie all by myself.     What's the best way to get good at cooking?     I don't go to cooking classes. Sometimes I watch videos on the phone. I often read books about cooking. actually, I think the best way to improve my cooking is trying it again and again. If it is no good, I'll do it differently next time.     What do your parents think of your cooking?     They're glad that they don't have to make dinner every day, and they enjoy my cooking — usually! But, you can't make everyone happy all the time.     Finally, what's it like being on T